A week Home...

Almost a week home now....but I still haven't landed 100%. Guess I don't want to land in real. Being at home means that the uncomplicated life we had in the little cottage changes to life we normally live.With all ups and downs and happy and scary moments. We already had a scary moment....
Last saturday after waking up Bram told me that he wasn't feeling well (pressure on his chest) and that I had to call the doctor and that he wanted to go to the hospital. Little panic with me (No, please..not again..I really don't want this to happen after all we had gone through) but after contacting the hospital we immediately went there. The pain in his chest had gone by the time we went, but he felt very uncertain with his body (overall he has the feeling that his body is letting him down. Checks were done, but nothing found and we went back with a recipe for a medicine. Luckily we have to go to the cardiologist on Friday and I am going to persuade him to have an MRI scan. Bram's energy level is so low and it is getting worser by the week. Something must be wrong I feel, because he has felt much better after coming home from the rehab centre. By the time we came home, I was sort of out of balance which took me a day to come over.
But I dont want it, that this accident overshadows our wonderful holiday which has done us both so good. My mind often travels back to the little cottage by the sea and I feel we are very lucky that we have found this place. To make it a little better the BBC has started Monty Halls program The Great Irish Escape which is filmed in Connemara. While watching it last Thursday we even saw some faces we know. Might buy the bood and DVD soon.

We left Ireland on a dark clouded Sunday-afternoon after staying in a hotel in Bray. While crossing the Irish sea the sun came out and by the time we arived in Holyhead the sun was out. I had a delightfull afternoon sitting on the terrace from the Boathouse hotel reading the great novel "Life of Pi" which is quite and exiting read. The kind of book you can't stop reading because you want to know what will happen at the end. So even in the room we had I continued (have a look at the ceiling...)
After dinner (Yes.... I took Lobster for a change)
we made a little trip over the Isle of Anglesey which is really a nice place to go. Beautiful little villages, and nice little inlets as this bay on the southside of the island.
Mondaymorning after breakfast we left. Because we had changed the plan and had to catch the ferry to Rotterdam (a whole day for 350 km) we made the plan to go in the morning to the seasidetown of Llandudno on the northcoast from Wales. I had read that Llandudno had an old Victorian pier which I really longed to see.

It wasn't a disappointment despite the fact that the pier was mostly used for "enterntaining" holiday makiers, which means a lot of gambling- machines.

But the pier itself: Splendid and real Victorian and I could imagine what has happened there in the past.

Big orchestra's playing in the big dome, and well dressed Victorians taking a stroll on the pier. A place to go back and maybe enjoy a real English sea-side holiday with a Hamper and deck-chairs on the beach.
The drive to Hull was a very hectic and busy experience , but all went well, and so was the crossing to Rotterdam.
When home on Tuesdaymorning it suddenly appeared that I still had 2,5 weeks holiday, so time for knititng and reading. I blocked some shawls for to give to dear friends

Very pleased with the result (yes, still very into lace..) and I am sure the friends who will get them will love them. Another one flew off the needles yesterday and is now drying after heavy blocking. Couldn't resist to cast on another lace one in red tweed yarn on 5,5 needles.

I have found out that lace not always needed to be knitted on very thin needles. Some patterns are great in a rustic yarn. While on the other hand I am also still knitting on my alpaca shawl on 3.75 needles.

About 50 rows to go before casting off..I have an idea who will get those..but can't tell yet..In the meantime I am thinking about starting to design myself...


  1. Fijn voor je, dat je ondanks alle spannende en angstige momenten door de gezondheid van Bram, toch je vakantieherinneringen zo vast kunt houden. Hopelijk komen ze er achter wat er met het energielevel van Bram is.
    Prachtige lace maak je zeg!!
    Ik noem Monique onze Queen of lace, dan ben jij onze King of lace.

    Dikke tut van Tijm


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