I said goodbye to "My Bay" yesterday- afternoon. The cows from Marty were on the beach staring at that strange man. Rain came, and after that suddenly Innishboffin became clear in sight. The sun did shine for a few minutes on the houses and green fields of that island. I picked up some nice yellow-orange shells to take home,so I can remember the days of calmness here which cleared my mind and cleansed my soul.
Walking back I realized how good this holiday has been for the both of us, here at the place we know so well. Days have gone by in a pleasant way. Coffee in Clifden, the Irish Times on hand, a little shopping for dinner, a swim and a walk and little trips by car, healthy dinners with a glass of wine, knitting in the evening with a cup of tea. A glass of whiskey at the end. Exitement in little things.
We had a nice evening last night with Anne, Pat and Tony, as we always have on the evening before we leave. Tea and cakes and gifts we got.
Now it is the last morning here. A little packing needs to be done before we set of. The travel to Bray won't take long and the hotel will be nice. Bray seems to be a nice place. And the rest of the trip is also part of the holiday.
But I will miss this little cottage, which is a good sign I suppose. If you miss something it means that it is very important to you. We said goodbye to Anne, Pat and Tony. Tears came up when I drove away.
"Home is where the Heart is", and our Hearts are here.
Jammer dat het zo snel gegaan is.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHeel fijn dat jullie het zo goed gehad hebben!
Bray is leuk. Tussen Bray en Dalkey woont Bono. Daar nog even op visitie??
Dikke tut van Tijm
... vasthouden dat gevoel,zo lang mogelijk.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWat een fantastische vakantie hebben jullie gehad..., op een meer dan geweldige plek....
BeantwoordenVerwijderenEn jullie van harte zó gegund!
Dank voor je prachtige verslag.
Een goède reis terug gewenst..