Just a Day.

We just had dinner. Easy food. A Pasta dish and for dessert some warm plums with custard. The sun is going down now into the Atlantic. Beautiful sight.

Today is just a lovely day.
We woke up at 9 after going to bed rather late. Last night on the tele was a program about the celebration of Lughnasa which is the ancient Celtic harvest festival and the marking of autumn. Later that night the showed the film Dancing at Lughnasa. A bit of a sentimental film about rural Ireland in 1936, but really enjoyable. I even pinked a tear away.

After breakfast, a shower, getting dressed and a chat with Anne, we went to Clifden. It was a bit clear here in Cleggan, but in Clifden was a little drizzle. After coffee, with a nice piece of lemoncake next to it a little shopping needed to be done.

Bram wanted to see the Errislanan peninsula which is a pleasant drive just outside Clifden. It was dry during that time and after coming home we could sit outside. Laundry in the machine. Nothing better smelling than laundry which has dryed outside. Bram took a nap and I finished off some shawls I made last months.

The sun came out late on the afternoon. Blue sky with white clouds. Couldn't resist to go for a swim. It was High Tide. Warm water from the Gulf stream came into the bay and the swimming was a real joy. A glass of white wine was waiting when I came home.

While walking home from the beach I suddenly realized that I felt smiling all day. Guess I got another kind of awarenes after all what happened last year. It seems the little things in life are more important to me. There is the smell of the sea mixed with the smell of the fields. A seagull screaming. Complete silence. A lane full of red fuchsia bushes. The mountains in the far distance and the islands in the sea. My mind calms down. No rush, no hurry. This place has it all. Glad we found it years ago.

The sun is now going down. Got to go outside now to catch this moment.

Just a Day....but..What a Day!!


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