Lost in Time.

I like to make a little walk in the evening after dinner. Tonight was no exception. Today started with fog. After that was gone, light rain came. Thereafter drizzle and winds turning into North West which gave a cool breeze. It became much clearer in the sky. The sun came out slightly on and off. Round 6 pm because of the wind the sun came out full blast. The light here in Connemara is something special.

This changing of the weather during the day is something I like. "All seasons in a day" it is called.  It can be much more extreme than today and it makes the vieuw on landscapes different every moment. This is probably a reason why I love this place so much.

Tonight I made a walk to the bay. It had just been high tide. Sitting on a rock between the 2 bays I got lost in time. That usually happens when I am there. Simply don't leave. The smell of the sea and the sound of the waves kind of hypnotizes me. This place is good for my soul and mind. Wish I could take it home with me.

There was a beautiful sunset when I walked home. Rain now, when I am off to bed.


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