In my previous post I promised to write about the just released book about Dutch Fisherman's Ganseys. Written by Stella Ruhe . In Dutch the title is: Visserstruien uit 40 Nederlandse vissersplaatsen. There is an English translation with the title: Dutch traditional ganseys. Sweaters from 40 vilages. (I couln't find it on Amazon, but there are some book(web)shops in Holland who also deliver all around the world.) For many years I had on my bookshelve the only book on Dutch Fisherman's ganseys. Written in 1983 by Henriëtte van der Klift-Tellingen. The book is printed in black and white, has many pictures from beautifulganseys in it, and it tells the history behind them. It is a good book, but the new book is better and more interesting. (but more about that book later in this post) I have never made a gansey for myself, but I have always been attracted to them. Dutch ganseys (and the same is for English one's) tell a history from f...
Last Sunday afternoon Loret Karman organized a special tour in the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam. To tell you the truth...Van Gogh is not my favorite painter, but after this afternoon I have seen something very different in his paintings. Imagine this : You walk in the exhibition with little balls of hand dyed yarn round your fingers. 8 women do the same, but only with different colored yarn balls. Yes, I can hear you thinking: rather odd and what is the reason for doing this.. But let's start with the beginning. Loret, who I never met in real (only virtual through Facebook) is dyeing her own yarns. She is absolutely one of the few people I have met, who has a very good sense for colors but she also is interested in the paintings by Van Gogh. One of the first questions she asked me (just after a Big Hug) you like Van Gogh's work? After my answer (see above) she told will see it from a totally different angle this ...
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