Day 37. Going Home

It was:
Bye Bye Swimmingpool.
Bye Bye Beautiful house.
Bye Bye Dordogne.

from Beune to Chartres.

We found a hotel in the centre of Chartres.
Had a good vegetarian dinner in the Italian reataurant named 'Roma Nostra'.
(Still amazed that going our for a good vegetarian dinner in France is not possible.)
At our neighbour table 2 priests in their black outfits were eating and drinking. They didn't need to pay the bill. The owner of the restaurant only told them: Pray for me.
Next time we will dress up like priests for a free dinner.
They left, wearing over their outfit a motor jacket, and holding in their hands a motor helmet.
Priests on a motorbike.

We walked around on our last evening in France and found out that Chartres had a light festival in the centre. The so called: Chartres en lumieres.
We remembered our first night in France.
Bayeux also had a light festival we saw.

We passed a markethall and there it was.

We both liked this work because it added something to the building and it was not a picture, or a moving image.

More could bee seen.
Ofcourse at the famous Cathedral.

On another part of the building the statues where dressed in bright coloured clothes.
The next morning everything would be grey stone again.

And on the garden and the museum behind the cathedral one could see a moving image about the history of art as a Persian Carpet.

On and on a great evening together.
We slept in a room named: Jasmine.
Why on earth was this room pink?


  1. Beste Overstap,
    Pracht foto's laat je hier zien en ook zeker van het betoverende perzische tapijt.
    Ja, er bestaan echter wel rose jasmijnen... Maar veelal zijn ze wit, met name de heerlijk geurende, dubbele variëteiten.
    Lieve groet vanuit Georgia/USA en ik vond je via Anett!


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