Day 26. Pilgrimage


Since the 12th Century an important place for pilgrims.
When arriving it looks like the buildings are cut out of the rocks behind.

Now also a village for tourists with rediculous shops.

But if you decide to look behind it all, and don't get annoyed by all the visitors it is a very special place to go.
And it has been a very special place for many people over the past.

When entering you go through a door with beautiful iron fittings.

You pass a small corridor with on one side stone plaques from people who thank Maria for a miracle that did happen to them or that they felt safe or healed.

There are 233 stairs you have to go to come to a courtyard with a few buildings.
On one of them named: "Chapelle Notre Dame" -and the most important one- is a painting of the "dance of death". It is a gothic chapel built round 1476.

Above the door is beautiful carved stonework.

Inside is the Black Madonna and child. A statue from the 12th Centuryfrm walnut wood. Covered withsilver leaf.r. it got black from candle smoke.
A strong looking Madonna.

A declaration from 1172 sums up 126 miracles what Madonna has done.

The legend says that the bell will ring every time is sailor is rescued from drowning.

That it has happened many times in the past.
A few boats are hanging in the chapel to memorize.

Sometimes they do happen.
Hopefully many sailors will be safe and I hope the bell will ring when needed.

We left Rocamadour.
Drops of rain.
It seemed Maria was crying.

But an hour later the sun came out.

The miracle of the changing of the weather


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