Day 31. Knock, knock

Today we made a trip to Périgueux.
It is a beautiful old city.
A big cathedral.
Medieval houses.
We walked around.
Coffee on a terrace.
We bought CD's.
All very pleasant.

I wanted to take pictures from a detail I would discover during the day.
In the last hour we stayed It was suddenly there.
Door- knockers. Or in French: heurtoir de porte.
We now use a bell to ring.
But in older times -and even now- some people use a door-knocker to get entrance to house of a stranger or a friend.
Inside you would hear it when someone was at the door.
Metal on wood.

During that last hour I did see a great variety.

A simple ring.

 History to be seen on the wood.


A little hand with a bracelet.

This hand shows a lovely sleeve. Perhaps it is lace cuff, and made after a beautiful woman.

They can be see in all cities and villages all over in France.
It is part of the history of a house.


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