Day 34. Buddhism

Tibetan buddhism is all over the world.
It can be found in the Dordogne too.

Not far from where we stay is a is the 'DHAGPO KAGYU LING" centre.
Settled on the hills close to Saint-Léon-sur-Vézére.
We both wanted to go there.

Jos knows a lot about buddhism.
I am interested in it.

The centre has started in an old farmhouse which is now one of the two temples.
When we arrived we immediately saw the stupa with a lotus on top.

I lighted a candle in memory of Bram.
Than a monk arrived and started speaking to me in Tibetan.
I couldn't understand a word, but it was interesting to listen en to look at this old man.
He invited me to walk in circles round the stupa, which I did for  few rounds.
There was silence and during the walk he pointed to the surroundings.
All I could do was smile to him.

I said -in my way- goodbye to him.
It was an interesting experience for me.

Monks are dressed in red, purple and orange or a mixture of those colours.
That stands for 'being in bloom'.
Jos took a photo from the laundry of a monk hanging to dry.

The centre itself has a beautiful new light and airy building with a curved ceiling.

Used as a temple and  for lectures and courses.

There was a big Buddha in the centre with beautiful hands.

Piles of meditation cushions 

Prayer flags.

Prayer wheels.

I have done meditation a few years ago almost every day.
It was very good for me.
Just sit and be aware of breathing in and out.
That sounds easy but is very difficult to do.

That is why the word meditation is in the name of my blog.
For a reason I don't know exactly why it has stopped.
It might have been that I didn't took time for it because my life was filled up with taking care of Bram. 
My life during that hard time was not about taking time for myself.
I was there for him, 24 hours a day. 
That also has done me good.

I am thinking about to start again.
Perhaps five minutes a day.
Sit, breath in, breath out.

The visit to the centre has started me thinking again.
Who am I?
What do I want?
Is buddhism a path to follow?

I took two stones with me to be placed on Bram's grave.
Wherever I go I take a stone with me for him.


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