Stormy Weather...

Stormy weather today...
I made a little walk this morning..
Crossed the river with the little ferry...

There is a lovely park opposite the city..
Leaves are falling...

A few are left...but they will fly away the coming days..

Till only the branches are visible...and they remind me of the paintings from David Hockney I did see last February in London.. Hockney Trees I call them since than.

Totally unexpected I was also more or less hit by an Emotional Storm myself last Wednesday.
I woke up, didn't feel well..perhaps the flu was my first thought..went back to bed and after waking up a few hours later I found myself in tears, and couldn't stop crying for the rest of the afternoon.
Suddenly it became too much for me. The pain, sadness..all emotions mingled together and I couldn't stop it. 
There were just tears and more tears and I cried about all things which happened to us over the last years.
And I am tired...really tired..
Which is visible I noticed from friends telling me that I look so tired..

We were taken care by neighbours and friends.
Meals were brought..
Emotions were shared..
Endless talks about how to deal with it...

I phoned my head of tell him that I would stay at home on Thursday and Friday, and that I would go to my Doctor..and that I would like to have a talk with our School Doctor.
All very supportive...

My Doctor suggested me to work a little less hours, to have some space for myself to recover.
A little walk alone every day  might help the coming weeks... 
I think this might be a good idea , because the idea of not working doens't feel right at the moment. Work is good for me I know from experience.
I am going to talk about this tomorrow with our School Doctor..

It is just a hard time, and even writing this brings me in tears.
So sad for the both of us..
It is all about saying goodbye...

On Wednesday I felt totally lost within myself..
Glad my body always reacts, and from experience in the past I know I have to listen to it..
Guess those things are sometimes necessary, so you can take another step in the right direction..

And on top of that...Bram got a new medicine which he took on Thursday evening..
On Friday morning he was totally out...out of balance, could hardly walk anymore..and was very dizzy..
I phoned the Hospital and we decided to stop immediately with this medicine which supposed to calm him down a little....
He is still not as he was before taking this pill...but it is better than he was on Friday..

So tomorrow morning I will work for 3 hours...
Do some work...
Perhaps go to Ikea for coffee and cake... and than off to the School Doctor at 15.30 hrs..

What else??

Last Friday, a week ago I visited a beautiful exhibition on Fifties Fashion in the Museum in The Hague...

The Years of Elegance...


Bathing Beauties...

Real Glamour.....

Rock and Roll....

Nylon Dresses and Tupperware Parties...

A lovely exhibition worth seeing..
Info: HERE

As for Knitting...
Odinn is in Progress...working on the body...
X-mas gifts are on...and off the needles..


  1. N.E.E.M. de tijd.

    De spanning is er nu vast even af, maar je 'moet' weer helemaal terug krabbelen. Ik ben erg blij te horen dat je een vangnet hebt, en je niet helemaal op jezelf bent aangewezen. Dit is nu het beste wat je kunt doen. Wandelen kan enorm helpen.. Blijf ook zulke mooie (herfst foto's maken.. práchtig).


  2. Jochie, dit is wat er moest gebeuren. Ik wens je kracht, moed en sterkte!,

    Hele dikke knuffel JH


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