SCULPT.... Part 1.

Today was an amazing day with my 2nd year students.. 
There was a flow in the classroom and they all worked very hard...
At those days I LOVE my job...

After the paper dresses that had to make a few weeks ago, they had to make a copy from a vase in fabric...
Making a pattern was the big task..
Wrapping pattern paper round the vase..
Making darts to get the shape right..
Out came those..

There were many more..
But one was particulary good..
This one...Made by Mandy..

First made in paper...

And after that in Fabric..
The inside looked even more Amazing..and all handstitched!!

Next step was to have a close look at the Theme: "Sculpt", which comes out of the magazine View.

"Big shapes" is the starting point for my students to make a shirt or coat in imitation leather in bright colours.

Step 1.
Make an Inspiration collage..or Mood you can start developing your garment.
And they all searched for shapes on the computer...

Prints were made...

Scissors were taken...

Try outs were made....and discussed...

BTW.. the woman on the left is my fabulous Trainee Esther.. She is GREAT, witty, funny, and is doing so well at my lessons..
Never had a better trainee than she is...
She will teach the coming weeks, and I am sure she will do it very well!!

And out came great collages..

New shapes..made out of shapes placed together..

Architectural shapes..

One student even started with her first Design...

Many More will come the coming weeks...

The best thing is that Esther and myself are having the feeling that they all are getting to understand the meaning of Shape..and why that is important when you want to design a garment..

YES.. at those Days I Really, REALLY LOVE my Job..


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