Odinn, My Lovely..

Last Night I did finish the yoke of my Odinn cardigan.

I really like the colour combination. Kind of old fashioned looking perhaps, but with a brigh shirt under it -red or purple maybe - it will look modern.

The rest of the cardigan will be blue, exept for the borders. They will be in a pattern too.
It is my first time that I am knitting top-down, but with the on- ine help from Lopapeysa Queen Ragga it will turn out fine.
I am really looking ofrward to Steek. Looks scary to cut into a fabric, but the instruction video in the course will make it easy. 
After steeking I wil add a green buttonband to it.
Odinn... You will keep me warm the coming winter.

Icelandic yarn can look and feel very rough, but after a soak it feels much more softer. 
For me Icelandic and Shetland yarns are the most authentic yarns.

Last week -while visiting my LYS - I got another Icelandic treath.
A wheel of Plötulopi  by Istex to try out.

This yarn is not spun.

You might expect that it breaks easily, but strangely enough it doesn't. And if so, you can cling it together with a littel spitt. I made a little swatch using 2 strands. 1 taken out of the middle and one from the end. It knits up easy and fast and gives a soft but strong fabric. Might try a pair of mittens for a Christmas gift as those ones, combined with some Lettlopi I have in my stash...

I remember my Mum making me a slipover out of it, when I was a kid. She did buy the yarn in Danmark where we did spend a summerholiday. Knitted in 2 colours -dark and natural- and with a pattern on the front. I really loved to wear it. Unfortunately I have no picture me wearing it..

And for the rest....

I am working on a secret project at my GoldsmithCourse... so no pictures.
We got a 2nd stair-elevator to get Bram to the topfloor where we sleep and the bathroom is.

His health is going down, but we make the most out of it. 
So, whenever the weather is good, I take him in town with the wheelchair.
I manage well sofar, thanks to the care-takers, neighbours and friends.
But it is hard to see this proces of a man going down, and I really have to keep strong for him. 
I promised it when we got married...In good and in bad times..for better for worse..and so I do. 

People often ask me: can you handle it?
What would happen if I couldn't? 
We both would go down, which is not a good idea.
I have to do this, no matter if I can or can't.

From experiences in the past I know that in difficult situations people can let you down easily.
As my family is doing. 
Painfull in a way...
I have decided to stop expecting anything anymore. 
I don't have the energy for that.
Very sad for Bram, but that is the way it is.

Perhaps they never came any further that tolerance instead of acceptance...
Or, that they don't want to have a sight on someone who is having serious health issues.
Fear can be a reason...
But I came to the conclusion that friends are a choosen family on which I can rely.
I am gratefull for that..very gratefull..

The sun is shining..
Time to get out..


  1. Schat, wat weer een ontroerend blogje, door het laatste stuk.
    Zo verdrietig dat dit zo is.
    En je hebt gelijk, je MOET het nu kunnen handelen....is niet anders.
    Ook mede dankzij jou ben ik me erg bewust van het eindigen van het leven, de sterfelijkheid. En daardoor ook om vooral een feest te maken van het leven, vieren van het dagelijkse.
    Dank daarvoor, om zo een spiegel te geven.

    x x x

  2. De trui is práchtig. Ik begin me alleen af te vragen wát je moet gaan knippen. Ik zag je wanten op facebook voorbij komen; ook mooi!

    Ik zie het bij mijn schoonouders. Mijn schoonvader zit in een opvang, maar het '... gaat maar door'... Je hebt geen "einde" in zicht (hoe bruut gezegd, maar goed bedoeld). Daardoor lijkt het mij erg zwaar voor jullie beiden. Ik lees dat je hulp hebt, dat is een opluchting.
    Zo heb je zelf nog tijd om bij te tanken.

  3. love and hugs to both of you

  4. I've read your blog for a while now and have always enjoyed it; never have left a comment though (I don't think). It's very sad to read about Bram's continued deterioration. To look at some of his current pictures, he doesn't look "sick." I guess looks can be deceiving. It's very sad to read that your family finds it hard to help and comfort you because you happen to be married to a man. I hope that they will realize the hurt they're causing you and Bram and do the right thing to be there for you guys. I guess the prejudices that some people have are same no matter if they're in Holland or the U. S. Anyway, I say all that to say, continued strength and comfort to you and happy upcoming holidays to you and Bram.

    Columbia, SC

  5. I'm so sorry to read about Bram's deterioration in health, it must so hard for you to watch. Your tearful response seems natural to me, your emotion has to find an outlet. My thoughts are with both of you.Hugs, Kerry


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