A Ring, A Ring....My Kingdom for a Ring..and Knitting ofcourse..

This morning I did finish my 2nd ring at the Goldsmithcourse I am currently taking...
So after pointing out the text with a permanent marker...

No rush needed..
Take your time...
I punched little pockmarks on it, so drilling would be easier...2 little mistakes...but no problem to me...
The moment was there to drill little holes..which went perfect...
Time to sand down to get it smooth and than polishing could start with the polishmachine... (that silver gets so hot!!)
A bright and shiny ring appeared..

I took my beautiful red Habu yarn, a needle.. and embroidering was the next step...
On one side:

And on the other side:

And inbetween an X in Blue yarn...
So it is YOU X ME X and so on
I have to say that I love this design...and the ring fits perfect.

One day it might be "YOU"-day...

And the next day it could be "ME"-day..

I simply love the Course.
Jeannette is a great  and helpfull teacher and it is a joy to be in het studio/shop.
My creativity is stil there and for me it is exiting to try out new things.
Next week I hope to finish a ring and perhaps start another one for me.. a bit smaller, with a fun element on it..
In the next 10 weeks of the course I will start my bracelet...

What else?
Knitting ofcourse...
I did finish my sweater with the perfect cowl..

But I have to wait for a friend to pass by, so he or she can make a picture when I am wearing it...
I finished off my pair of mittens and really like them..

With the leftovers I did cast on another pair of fingerless mitts in a zig-zag pattern..
Not sure if I have yarn enough, but..I am not afraid for a bit of improvising..

But there is more...
Last week I bought the Top-Down Icelandic Sweater course from Craftsy, presented by the famous Lopapeysa Queen Ragga.
Ofcourse I know how to knit, and ofcourse I could have figured out how to knit Top-Down.
But I was curious about this kind of course..
I can tell you:
Despite that the cardi is very feminine..
That I won't knit that one for myself..but maybe with some changes I might..
It is fun to watch Ragga telling stories in an enthusiastic way.
She shares great tips and tricks with her students.
You can ask online any question on the lessons..and get quick an answer...

Icelandic yarn is easy available here in the Netherlands..
But shadecards are not..
I have tried everything, but always the answer was: NO.
So I mailedo Istex with that question, and they kindly offered me to send all shadecards...
When I came home after the course, there was post from Iceland..

And in the envelop I found all shadecards from the one's I asked for..

I really like the yarns from Istex. The colours are wonderfull and there is a great variety in it. It is not a soft yarn, but after knitting and a soak it becomes really soft and it is a joy to wear.

Because I am not knitting the cardi from the course, I decided to knit another pattern from Ragga...The Odinn.. a free pattern on her website Knitting Iceland.
Because I want to learn how to Steek (I am not scary at all, because Ragga shows it in her course in an easy way), I am making a cardigan out of it, with a buttonband added.
At my LYS DOL-OP=WOL I bought Álafosslopi in 3 colours from which blue will be the mainpart and the green will be for the borders and the buttonband..
It looks a little old-fashioned togehter, but i really like this combo.

I think it will go quick , because it is knitted on needle 6...and I go for size M..


  1. Ooo wat weer een zalige typisch Dutch Jan blogpost.

  2. De ring is prachtig. En ik denk dat de volgende sneller zal gaan; je weet wat je ongeveer 'moet' doen en dat werkt makkelijker. Heb je al een design voor de armband?

    De Odinn is inderdaad prachtig. ik las al op twitter dat je er helemaal weg van bent. En de kleurenkaarten: bonus! GEweldig.

    De kraag van de blauwe trui ziet er inderdaad heel goed uit! je hebt het deze winter vast niet koud!


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