Holiday is Over.....Almost..

Holiday is almost over..
7 weeks of wearing sandals and shorts...
Tomorrow my working-life starts again...
Waking up at 5.45 and getting back in that routine..

I am a bit nervous how things will go..
Work combined with the situation at home...
Over the last weeks Bram's condition is going down very fast..
Walking is getting very difficult, which is not very practical in a house with 2 staircases..
So therefor we get a stairlift which will be placed this coming thursday
His energy is very low...and I am afraid that he might fall and break something..
He is very fragile...

So we get more care from the nurses from Buurtzorg.
Twice a day and maybe more the coming weeks..
We'll see how it will go...

So it feels rather difficult, and different to go back to work this time...

The coming week will be filled with meetings, writing on a project and tasks..and inbetween that: visits to the hospital on Wednesday and Thursday...and on Friday an excursion to Amsterdam...

Autumn will arrive soon..
There are signs already in nature...
Melancholic moods...

Time to knit something warms for the cold days coming soon..

I frogged my blue sweater again..
Too big...
But cast on again...
This time the size is perfect..
And I keep it more simple than the pattern told...
It will keep me warm and give me comfort in this stage in my life...


  1. Succes met weer naar het werk gaan.
    En beide heel veel sterkte met het verslechteren van de conditie van Bram. Wat verdrietig en wat zorgelijk. Kan me zo voorstellen dat het naar je werk gaan, heel belastend is, omdat je er dan niet voor hem kunt zijn.

  2. Sorry to hear Bram is not so well, good luck with the stairlift installation.


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