
No don't need to be afraid that I will stop knitting..
Last week I bought this practical basket made out of felt to keep everything togehter.
Usually my knitting is all around the house, but this basket is doing the trick for me.
It now contains all yarn needed for my "on the needles sweater".

I think knitting might be with me for the rest of my life... some times I won't knit that much, but I am almost sure that something will be on the needles..
Knitting helps me in a way to keep everything in balance at this stage in my life.
Last year I was bitten by "The LaceBug", but all of  a sudden that Bug is gone..
No lace for the moment.
No complicated patterns please...
Simple...Knit and purl stiches..
Sometimes boring, but that is all I can do at the moment..

So, I am knitting this Bleu Sweater based on a Fisherman smock.
Something like my jeans shirt from Cos.

Pattern as mentioned before...Warriston by Kate Davies.
But I kept it much more simple..
No structure at the bottom. 
Might put the structure at the neck..
I placed the 2 pockets a little more to the front..

The inside of the pockets are done in green yarn. 

It won't be visible when I am wearing it, but it is just a nice little detail.
Everything will be bordered with a I-Cord Bind Off, which gives such a neat finish.

Front and back are done, and last night I did cast on the first sleeve.
Some weeks to go and than I hope to wear it a lot the coming winter.

Next to this I did cast on a little striped scarf in gorgeous hand -dyed yarn..

A simple sequence of stripes.
There is nothing more needed for this yarn.
Simplicity ususally works the best for Men garments.

And I alreay know what to do when all this is finished..
Yes..My Sarah Lund sweater has to be knitted.
I tried it before, but didn't like the colour combination.
Yesterday I think I came across the perfect combo for me.. in yarn I love..
A green sweater with Purple pattern..and swatching will be done in a few weeks time.

I have always been found of the green and purple combination ever since I have seen almost 30 years ago an elderly grey haired woman wearing a purple dress with a green coat walking in the Modern art museum in Mönchengladbach
That woman was so elegant and looked really stunning. Ever since I saw her I love this combination. I am sure she will have passed away, but she is still alive for me.

Life is difficult at the moment,.
There is disappointment and fear.
What is coming?
Nervous moments when I am at work, and when I come home late.
How will he be...??
The coming week we have to go back to the hospital for results of tests ad the MRI scan, and to talk with the geriatric doctor.
It has taken over my whole life already for a long time.
I had a rather emotional talk with our "Buurtzorg Angel" about everything, and she told me that they can do more for us. 
That is a relief and I am so gratefull for their help and support sofar.
This weekend Bram isn't feeling well.
I have to keep strong to deal with everything.
Friends will step in the coming weeks..
It is just hard at some times.
Balance and taking care of myself is needed..


  1. Je brei plannen klinken goed!

    Veel liefs...en sterkte.

  2. En als altijd: hugs, kisses en ik denk aan je op veel onverwachte momenten!

  3. Haha Jan, nee ik denk ook dat je altijd wel zult blijven breien, net als dat ik dat altijd in meerdere of mindere mate zal blijven doen.
    Wat wordt je trui prachtig. Zalig zo'n basic project op de pennen, gewoon gaan.

    Wat maken jullie samen toch een zware tijd door. Wel horend bij het leven, maar zo zwaar, bijna ondragelijk en toch moet het gedragen en verdragen worden. Zo moeilijk, zo verdrietig en zo spannend en eng.
    Fijn dat er zoveel mensen om jullie geven en er zijn voor een luisterend oor, helpende hand en wat nog meer nodig is.

    Denk aan jullie en stuur veel liefde en positieve energie naar jullie toe.

    x x x

  4. I wish I could give you a box balance, a tin courage and a drawer full strength. But then I know you'll find it some where in yourself.
    Lots, lots of love!!

  5. liefde, respect en bewondering voor jullie!


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