Yes, I am the proud owner of a "Handmade by Me Silver Ring" . It was all pretty exiting this morning and my andrenaline went sky high. My ring had become in the stage of finishing. I needed to stamp a text in it..and the sentence was: LOVE IS ALL AROUND . A sentence with a few meanings for me such as: In my -and our- private life there is at the moment a lot of Love around us . This ring is Round and I Love it. To have a Love Around in life is very important, and I have this for almost 30 years. So after figuering out where to stamp... It was time to get into Action... Not easy to stamp this on this kind of roling pin which holds the ring. And ofcourse I made a mistake.. which Jeanette fixed for me.. And the text came..with some help and some extra bashing on the outside of the ring.. Next step....The PolishMachine... And.. Action.. (Watch those Fabulous Glasses... A shiney ring appeared.. And at the en...