Spring in Winter.....

This afternoon I made a walk among the flooded river Ijssel. Almost every year this happens and sometimes event the road gets flooded. The sun was shining...a blue sky..and not cold at all. There were beautiful reflections in the river..

It felt like Spring in early January. Strange that Winter still hasn't arrived here. So different from last winter when we had weeks with snow and cold temperatures and warm and wooly garments were very needed. I love a real Cold winter. Guess I am more a Nordic Boy Man. Now I hardly wear warm sweaters or cardi's and my new scarf is still waiting to be worn.
But hopefully it will get colder so I can wear my Lopiseya. I have started the yoke and now the fun part has started. The colors go well together and I think it will look good on me.
To get even more in a Nordic Mood we have started watching The Killing.

Set in Copenhagen (such a great city to go, have been there many times and it feels sort of home to me) it is a very good and exiting film. And ofcourse the sweater from Sarah Lund is a great example how traditional patterns can look stunning and modern. There are 3 variations..

Pattern from the Scarlet one can be found here.
Hand-knit on the Faroe Islands by Gudrun & Gudrun this sweater is a big Hit. On Ravelry you can find the chart and maybe one day I might knit one myself so I can look like the brother from Sarah Lund. The shop also sells these great Red shoes made from Fish Skin

...Who knows...I am sure they would look GREAT on me..

Because of this warm weather nature is a bit confused. In our garden Tulip leaves are peeping out of the ground..

and even a Snowdrop is in bloom...and behind a purple Crocus can be seen...Strange this Spring in Winter...

This and That...

Last week our neighbour brought us a little gift. A recycled card press out elephant from Muji (one of my favourite shops, pity there is no one in the Nehterlands).

I have always loved making things like this so it was a joy to make..and here he is...our new pet..

Our private life is getting a little bit back to normal. Bram has had his first lesson in walking with the walker. We got a phonecall from the hospital in Nijmegen that a Casemanager was found for us, so we will get a meeting with him or her soon... and we try to live as normal as we did. I am back at work and we are trying not to look too much into the future...
Time for a glass of wine now..perhaps the 3th part of the Killing and later a Stew for Dinner...
Bought those Daffodils yesterday at the market... Not only Spring outside but also Inside..


  1. Prachtige truien... ik ken The Killing helemaal niet. Ga het even opzoeken op internet. Die rode/scarlet trui vind ik beeldig. Als mijn geheime missie slaagt is het een optie :-)

  2. Oh, de truien, en die schoenen!! Ik ken de Killing ook niet, maar eens kijken of Netflix die heeft.
    Prachtige foto's van Deventer, doet me denken aan de tijd dat we aanmeerden in het haventje en op ons gemak naar de binnenstad slenterden, ergens koffie drinken met wat lekkers erbij (of zoals mijn vader het noem "kontvullers".)


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