The Benefits of being a Teacher....

Today I had to go to a trainee in Loosdrecht. I left early, because traffic in the direction Amsterdam usually is very busy. But I arrived right in time and the talk with my student and the firm was good very interesting.
Before arriving in Loosdrecht is a signpost with the name: Zonnestraal Turn Left. So on the way back to Deventer I decided to go and see Zonnestraal.
Zonnestraal is one of the most famous buildings designed in 1925 by Architect Jan Duiker. It is a good example from "het Nieuwe Bouwen".
I always wanted to see this building...but for some reason this has never happened.
It was rainy and misty when arriving, but the first vieuw was overwhelming.
The buildings is used as Sanatorium in the past. Nowadays a lot of HealthCare Instituts have taken over the place.
I had a coffee in the restaurant (totally not matching with the building!!!)and off I went to explore....
The view on the round staircases...
I went up the stairs...
Up the stairs the view was even better...

So I walked round and imagined how it must have been to stay there when you were suffering from Tuberculoses. The fresh air, the balconies where you could rest outside and the clear and open buildings. All so different from the Dark Architecture in previous years. Must have been a totally new Look on Life and how the enviroment also helps to cure.
The details as this little balcony..

The rhythm of the windows..all with steal window frames.
Till 1957 the building was used as Sanatorium. After that is was used as a hospital till 1993.
Than only one building was used and the rest got in a very bad state.

Restauration is still going on..This pavilion is now under construction.

The typography from the letters is from the time the building was made.
It was really a joy to walk around and see this beautiful building in real..Must be really nice to see the building in sunshine with blue sky..Than you probably see much more of the splendor of this Architactural Work of Art..
So one of the benefits of being a teacher is that sometimes after work is done, you can visit a place like Zonnestraal..

Amost done with my Riddari..About 8 rows to go..than finishing and a soak. Picture will appear probably in my next post. Must finish it soon, because it will get colder the coming days. I can tell you that it fits perfect, looks good on me..and that the colours really match together...
Inbetween i did start a little project..The Muckle Mitts by Mary Jane Mucklestone. Just some left over yarns I had in my stash. It's a fun knit. They will make nice gifts. I am knitting 2 pairs and perhaps some more..
I also booked a class with Ysolda. Hope she can learn me some more tricks. I have met her once on a holiday on the Shetlands..and she was sitting opposite me during lunch in the Shetland Museum.

This afternoon Bram and I are going to the hospital. A talk with a Psychologist to get us a Case manager. He or she will help us with the things we need to make life as good as possible for the both of us...


  1. Just some left over yarns I had in my stash. It is a fun knit. They will make nice gifts. I am knitting two pairs & possibly some more.

    scrapbook supplies

  2. Marijke (Ribbels)28 januari 2012 om 13:24

    Ik had net een stomme ruzie met Mr. Ribbels en al zwervend over het net kwam ik op je blog. Na al je berichten van de laatste weken te hebben gelezen, dacht ik wat maken we soms toch van dingen een punt die eigenlijk helemaal niet belangrijk zijn. Je hebt één leven met elkaar en je moet er alles uithalen wat je kunt. Lief zijn en genieten. Veel sterkte jullie twee!
    Je trui wordt overigens prachtig!


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