Knit on.....

My favourite Quote ever since I came across my Knitting Hero Elizabeth Zimmerman.....
Knitting always has helped me in difficult moments in my life. It calms me down... and everything gets in the right perspective..and it is nice to make something beautiful for someone else of for myself...

Life is not always easy at the moment. It sometimes feels hard to deal with. But, last week Thursday we have had a good meeting in the Radboud Hospital with a social psychiatric nurse (not sure if this is the correct translated name for her). We will get a Casemanager in our City who is going to help us to come through the proces. He or she can organize things which will make it also for the both of us a little lighter. When we left hospital we felt a little better and lighter, but still...the outlook is not easy. We got a big compliment from her because of the way we are talking about it. Being open and honest has always been a point in our life, so also with this topic we have this attitude. Guess we are doing it the way we want it sofar. It will get heavier in the future , but we are not too much thinking about that..
Things will change... Bram has bought a walker....

Walking with it is very difficult for him. This Tuesday he will get "WalkerLesson" with the help of a physiothearpist. In Nijmegen thay made the suggestion to have these lessons also close to our home. He than can make little strolls in town and rest inbetween on the seat. This will be good for his condition.. It will help him to feel a little more certain and stable. Cross my fingers for that...and I must get over the feeling of kind of shame to walk next to him. Sounds strange perhaps, but it is true. Time heals... Will take time..and hopefully if I see a positive change in his mobility I will get over it...
Till now the walker is used as a kind of Sidetable...
We even got the suggestion to do things we like and do things we want. So, if possible we have the plan to go to Scotland in May to visit our dear friend Birgitta who lives near Glencoe. As a strange coincidence we got a big pile of Scotland Magazines from our neighbour last Thursday-evening.
Big Sign I hopefully we can go. Ireland will be a step to far...

Tomorrow work starts again. So with some of my new clothes and my new shoes wearing it might be OK...

Or this pair...couldn't resist the orange shoelaces. Makes it a little less classic...

Make Do and Mend

I am always very attached to my garments and throwing away is always difficult. I love my shirts... So, I have found the solution for shirts with a hole in the elbow. I am going to patch them and wear them even longer.
Last Friday I took my Acne shirt with me to my studio. With a little piece of Liberty fabric I had bought years ago and my sewingmachine this is the result..

I have the plan to do this with all my shirts who need repair. They will be very personal and last longer. Must be nice to do it with real old vintage fabrics.Might search for that. Make Do and Mend will be my Mantra this year.

I did start this post with a Knitting Quote. I have finished my New Hat.

I like the result...but still Winter hasn't arrived, so no need to wear it.

And my Lopiseya is getting a step further.

The bodypart is almost done (still not sure about the lenght, might knit some more rows..) One sleeve done, the other on the needles. I have used different colours for the little + in the border of body and sleeves. It is a nice and fun knit, but I am already looking forward to the yoke-fun-part. Must be nice to wear it instead of a coat..

Couldn't resist those tulips yesterday on the market.

A little sign of Spring...


  1. Dappere Dodo!
    Enne, Ierland is net zo ver vliegen als Schotland. :-)

  2. Lieve Jan,

    Wat fijn om weer wat van jou en Bram te lezen!
    Goed dat jullie er zo mee om gaan, maar wat verdrietig dat de conditie van Bram maar niet beter wil worden. Gooit de medische wereld het niet op de leeftijd? Want die begint natuurlijk ook mee te spelen, net als bij ons trouwens.....
    Het is heel fijn dat jullie nu ondersteuning krijgen in de dingen die geregeld moeten worden.

    Hé, die schoenen heeft mijn zoon ook, oranje veters, maar dan blauwe suede. Zo mooi!De andere zijn ook geweldig!

    En als ik het woord Glencoe lees, maakt mijn hart een vreugdesprongetje, o wat hebben we het daar mooi gehad!!!

    Je lopi ziet er fantastisch uit. Ik zal ook aan een beginnen, want die wil ik klaar hebben voordat we naar Iceland gaan.

    Succes morgen met weer 'naar school' gaan.
    En ga je ook naar de Textiel Plus dagen??

    x x x

  3. He Jan en Bram, natuurlijk is zo'n loophulp effe confronterend, maar dit exemplaar is jullie vormgeversharten wel waardig! hugs JH

  4. prachtig Jan, die gebreide stenen en je ander handwerk. En Leonie en ik lazen je blog met ontroering. Heel veel sterkte.

  5. Door alle drukte en ook ziekenhuis bezoeken met bijkomende stress, moet ik tot mijn spijt bekennen dat ik jou en Bram niet heb kunnen volgen op je blog.
    Maar ik heb nu een beetje bijgelezen en begrepen dat het zware tijden zijn (geweest).
    Ik vind dat je het geweldig doet, al voelt dat soms misschien niet zo.
    Als het zou lukken, pak die vakantie! Even los van alles.
    Van Tijm heb ik enthousiaste verhalen gehoord van jou/jullie op Shetland, ik verheug me er nu helemaal op. Dat gun ik jullie ook.

    Er zullen vast nog vele hobbels komen, en niet allemaal even makkelijk. Neem vooral de tijd, inderdaad, om te genieten. Vooral van die prachtige schoenen.



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