Day 7. Back Home....

3.30 hrs. Wake up. Shower. Coffee.
4.00 hrs. Left the hotel. Minibus.
4.45 hrs. Arrival Venice Airport.
6.00 hrs. Cappucino & Fagotto.
6.20 hrs. Airplane KLM.
                Windowseat 17F.
6.45 hrs. Departure Venice.
                Plane fully booked.
                It gets light outside.
                Arrivederci Italia.
7.05 hrs. The Alps in the morningsun.
7.20 hrs. Sandwich, juice and tea
                served by friendly gay
                Dalida sings her
                sentimental songs in my ear.
7.45 hrs. More tea. Calm flight.
                Dalida sings: Mama.
8.15 hrs. Flying over Ijsselmeer
8.18 hrs. Marken & Monnickendam.
                Landing starts.
8.27 hrs. Landed at Schiphol Airport.
                Welcome to Amsterdam.

10.12 hrs.
Changed in Amersfoort. 2 stops and I am home.

Dalida still sings in my ear.

Suddenly unexpected tears.
It was a great experience to be in Italy with wonderfull colleagues. I felt at home with them. Lots of energy. Intense talks about life. Sharing life stories. It was nice I could talk about the situation I am dealing with. Good laughter. Great fun and serious moments. Interesting visits and meeting ups.

Inspirational is the best word for it...
And the best coffee and food ofcourse...
Going home this way is the best way one can have.

10.47. Deventer


  1. Lieverd, fijn dat je weer veilig thuis bent.
    Heb genoten van je verslag van de afgelopen dagen.
    Kan me zo voorstellen dat er dan opeens tranen vloeien.

    Dikke tut van Tijm

  2. By the way.............ben vandaag 2 keer langs je gereden. Had een begrafenis in Nijmegen. Bij Deventer denk ik dan veel aan je en aan het bijzonder contact wat we hebben.

    x x x Tijm


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