Day 2. Differences...and Similarties..

It is late in the evening now..or better said: early in the morning when I am writing this little post.

Today was a very busy Day. During a meeting in the morning we got loads of information.

It became clear to me that the Italian schoolsystem  at the moment is changing into another way of thinking. The future will tell if this is positive or negative. There are private and state-schools steeped in long traditions. A kind of class-system.  Ofcourse there are also similarities in topics as drop-outs and how to get those youngsters back to school. Being a member from the European Union also means that we all move more or less into the same direction. But how to get the systems compatible is the big problem which needs to be solved in the future.

I know from experiences in the past that Italian teachers sometimes have the idea that they are better than teachers from other countries. But today I got an opposite impression. Right, wrong??????? But, overall very interesting to hear and it always makes me thinking what my opinion is about education in general and the specific topics I teach.

After a simple, but delicious lunch (what is it that beans and tomatoes taste so much better here??)  we got into the bus to visit Arpel. They produce leather and fur coats in a artisanal way for various brands. Interesting, but I am not sure what the future will bring to that firm. But..amazing coloured leathers and how beautiful some of the coats were made.

At the end of the afternoon we went back to Vicenza. Beautiful city to walk through. Nice luxury shops. Did see great boots, a nice tricot jacket. Shopping my winterwardrobe here is a piece of cake. Good Italian atmosphere. Nice and very tasty dinner outside on a Piazza. The group is interesting. Different backgrounds, different jobs in school but also similarities because of working in the education field. Serious, fun, laughter,personal talks..Great. We get to know eachother very well. Half of the group walked back from town to the hotel. It took maybe 20 minutes. A little drink in the bar with a small group afterwards.

I talked about my private situation which is a good thing for me. Little worries about how Bram is coping after I spoke him on the phone. He is so tired. Next week we have to go to the hospital for catheterisation. Really hope something will be found.

Tomorrow more visits to schools and firms. It is good to be here.


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