Back to School..Back to Normal life...

I am now in my 2nd week back in school and all goes well sofar. My new class seems a nice one and this week I had to teach lessons to all classes. The routine of waking up early is not a problem, but the first time it was strange to find out that it is dark at 5.45 when my alarmclock went off.
The meeting up with my fellowtravelers (my four TrainGirls) on the first day was good as always. Plenty to talk about the past holidays and lots of fun and laughter.

So, back to normal....Daily Rhytm and Routine is good for my mind and soul with at some point a little step into another world..

I didn't go back to my choir last year. To emotional to sing, but last week I went back and had my first rehearsal which was a real joy for me. I sing now in a choir for almost 10 years which is a good thing for me to do. My choir members greeted me with such an enthusiasm that I felt at ease immediately. Nothing on my mind when I sing. No worries or thoughts..just attention for the song and my choir members.
So tonight my 2nd rehearsal in which I might learn some new songs they learned last year...

And there is knitting ofcourse to keep me sane...sort of..

When I read about the JuleKuler book from Arne and Carlos which came out in a Dutch translation I immediately ordered it and after searching in my stash I did cast on which soon became a real addiction. There are 55 patterns in the book and I might knit them all..and perhaps some with my own designs.

It is an easy pattern, and one an evening goes well. At the end with Christmas our house will have a Scandinavian atmosphere with balls everywhere.

They are on YouTube and you can see them Here and Here and Here.. So funny!!

It reminds me of the great holidays we had in Norway years ago. We used to go to Scandinavia almost all summer. Camping in our little tent on campings with hardly anyone.

The breathtaking nature, the fjords and the all over silence.

The first time I went -28 years ago- it was so overwhelming for me, that sometimes I felt that the silence was too much for me. Faded pictures but with great a way it seems like yesterday..but we have grown older.

Memories to treasure.."Das war Einmal" always sounds a little sad..but, to treasure memories is one of the best things in life. To enjoy Silence.... I have learned it over the years and now going into silence is a big part of my holiday.
And there were the knitted Norwegian sweaters which have always attracted me, but never bought one. Now I would have loved to have one to wear with a pair of jeans..So fashionable. Guess knitting has always been with me in memories over the years, and it is a big part of my life right now.

So let's go back to the Knitting topic.. I did finish off some shawls. The purple tweed one, with the name Spring Time Bandit has send over to my best friend Birgitta who lives in Scotland. She is very pleased with this one. It will hopefully keep her warm in the cold Scottish winter to come.

This week I blocked the Matilda shawl in Red Tweed Yarn...

Who will get this one is a surprise.. even for me. Still on the needles: the Dew Drops Shawl in slippery alpaca yarn.

Must finish this one before going further with my JuleKuler.
Next week it will be Italy for me. A study trip to the Veneto region with visits to fashionschools, firms,fashion-fair in Milan... No, I am not complaining about my work...


  1. O Jan, wat weer een prachtige post en wat een schitterende foto's. Met veel plezier heb ik het gelezen en bekeken.
    De ballen van Arne en Carlos, zo leuk zo'n feest.
    En dan jouw verleden met Noorwegen...........bijzonder en ontroerend.

    x x x x x x x x x x x x
    x x x x x x x x x x x
    Kusjes in een Noors motief



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