Back to reading it is

I type this post with my left hand.
Last week my excellent physiotherapist discovered that my right elbow is suffering with the name: 'tennis-elbow'.
His advice was to keep my arm calm.
No knitting!
(Bye bye scarf, yarns and needles)

Beware of using your mobile and tablet too much.
(my contact to the world)

Write as little as possible with pen or pencil.
(that very little movement gives a big reaction in your elbow).

My hernia is situated between L4 and L5 and below that there is something probably not well either.
My whole left leg is very painful when I walk. 
It will be alright said my physiotherapist, who, by the way is a very handsome man and that makes a difference when he is doing very painful movement with my body (breathe in, breathe out is my mantra at such moments!).
But it needs time and treatment.
And many taxi's to get to the hernia centre at Westerdok (€20,- one way!)

And painkillers.
I don't have a problem using them. 
They are chemical ofcourse, but isn't my whole body not a chemical factory?
They have names as: Lyrica and Oxycodon.
They sound like exotic cocktails, but aren't served in funny coacktailglasses with a straw, a little paper umbrella and a cherry on top.
Twice a day they make the pain a little weaker.
And they make me sleepy too (a nap a day keeps the doctor away as they say, or was it an apple a day?).
No driving is allowed and take care with alcohol.
I don't drive.
Very logical because my car isn't in Amsterdam.
But I do take a glass of wine in the evening.

So my day is now situated round reading the newspapers and books.
Nothing more, nothing less.
I love to read ever since I was that young boy who discovered the library.
Over the last years reading more or less stopped.
Knitting was what I did since Bram became ill.
I couldn't concentrate on books anymore.
Knitting has helped me to stay in the moment and to make beautiful things.

Back to reading it is now, because that is the only thing I can do next to daydreaming and letting go by the day in a pleasant way. (Coffee? Yes please.)
Reading will keep me busy I hope,and will bring me to new worlds and give other insights.
Luckily this house is filled with books and I can read for years without having to read a book twice.

At the moment I am reading: 'Kom hier dat ik U kus' by the Flemish writer Griet op de Beeck.
And after that 'Alice in Wonderland' in a new Dutch translation is waiting for me.


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