At home

Months did go by and nothing was written here.
My other blog got all the attendance.
But tonight I felt that it was the moment to write here.
Because there is a reason.

I am suffering a hernia.
It started some weeks ago with pain in my back.
Two visits to my manual therapist didn't gave a result.
I thought that was strange because it has always worked.
My doctor immediately thought that is was a hernia.
Heavy painkillers, physiotherapy and rest must do the trick.
It is very painful and I can't work.
Walking is difficult and hundred metres ( and inbetween a few times rest) is the maximum.
It is all very tiresome.

Jos took me with him to his home in Amsterdam ,so he can take care of me.
I am glad he is there for me.
So here I am.
Days go by.
Sitting by the window with a view on a canal with houseboats.
Two hours up and one hour rest.
By taxi to the physiotherapist who is specialized in treating hernia patients.
I feel very dependent and can understand how Bram must have feeled.

What to do on a day when sometimes reading takes energy?
Believe it or not, I got back to knitting.
Evelien brought me some yarn, needles and the Barbara Walker knitting book.

I did cast on my 'Hernia scarf' in a simple slip stitch pattern.
A mindless knit it is.
Natural dyed yarn by Shilasdair.
Purple wool and blue silk.
When it is finished I will line it with a Liberty fabric.

Hopefully when it will be finished my hernia is over.
Cross your fingers.


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