Little progress

Yes, there is little progress. It is not that I feel a big difference in my body, but some of my movements at the physiotherapist go better. Walking and standing for a few minutes is still hard to do. My right arm often hurts when I do too much, so this writing is done with my left hand. My neck and shoulders are also 'not very moveable', so they get a treatment too. Crack! I still take those heavy painkillers. But I am pleased with the progress. It feels that a big part of my body is 'letting me down' right now. STOP it says. Stop and listen, and do what I direct you. For me that is not an easy thing to do. But if I want to get better I need to listen. So I try to be a 'listener'. The last week that I worked I took the bicycle to get to the railwaystation. Cycling -strangly enough- didn't cause pain. But the walk from the bicycle park...