Signs of Spring...

In  the months before Spring arrives I always get a certain feeling op hope and optimism.
It is not different this year,despite the difficult and often very sad situation we are dealing with.
No more optimism there, but outside there are signs of Spring appearing.

It might be strange, but I was so happy to see the snowdrops blossoming yesterday in the Convent garden behind our house. Every year they arrive, and it seems they are telling that winter is almost over. They show energy, beauty and courage on cold days like today. The circle of seasons show the circle of life. We all go through this circle.

Today I did send a letter to friends and neighbours in which I wrote about our situation. We like to speak open about our feelings. Hiding those feelings doesn't work for us, and in a way it opens the communication between everyone involved.

Some lovely replies came back already. Signs of love and courage. Helping hands and helping thoughts.
We both are aware that he is in the final stage of his life. It might happen everyday, who knows? No one can tell.

I admire him for his courage. He is a brave man to deal with it all. No one can feel what he feels, even I can't. It is heartbreaking to see this from so close by. I can't take it over from him. All I can do is be there for him. With the loving and caring hands around me I will manage.

Signs of Spring....
Here is another one..


  1. verdomme Jan wat kun je dit toch mooi onder woorden brengen. Weet dat ik diep respect voor jullie heb. lieve groet JH

  2. Wederom, met tranen in mijn ogen, van ontroering, van respect, van diepe bewondering voor jou en Bram, lees ik je stuk. Man, wat bijzonder geschreven, wat recht uit het hart, wat maak je veel los in je woorden.
    Jan, wat jij doet is zo bijzonder, zo direct, zo intens, zo oprecht.
    Bram kan geen beter iemand naast zich hebben. Jij doet alles wat maar mogelijk is en dat is zo zo bijzonder.

    Mannen, jullie zitten diep in mijn hart. En in gedachten bij jullie.

  3. Jan. you have love flowing to you from around the world. I wish you and Bram warmth and understanding, JK

  4. Touched by your post! Ofcourse I do not know you but I wish you lots of love and courage X

    Kathelijne from Ali Lamu would like to sent you the Valentines heart

    Stuur me even je adres (vosgesparis AT )dan sturen we deze op


  5. Moed zit vaak in het 'kleine' dat daardoor groots wordt...
    Nog steeds alle denkbare goèds gewenst voor jullie..


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