Next Step...

Last week was a difficult one for the both of us..
Bram's health dropped further down..
Shock, fear and sadness..

We decided to place a bed downstairs for Bram where he can rest in the afternoon.
A view into the garden and the feeling that he is not secluded from the world..

Together with dear friends P and A we arranged everything to get more space..

It looks welcoming I feel..

We borrowed a comfortable chair from neighbours P and H.

It is a strange and unknown period..
Today he feels better than yesterday..Such a difference with last week..
It can change any day, which gives an uncertain feeling.

Living by the moment is all I can all We can do..
Doing everything with love is all I try now..
We have good care from professional nurses..
Gemmy, Marijke, Inge and all the others from Buurtzorg...
Without them it wouldn't be possible to do it this way..

I am always surprised how it all calmes down in my if nothing has happened.
Like the silence after a storm..

In the garden Spring is at the doorstep..
Bulbs pop up..

And Snowdrops blossom...
And inside are 50 red Tulips blooming. We got them as a gift.
Tulips..My favourite flower..

This week I am having holiday.
I must try to relax a little.

Last saturday I went for a few hours with friends to the Craft-Fair in Zwolle. 
The nurses told me to go while they took care of him. 
Go..they said...and Enjoy.
It all went well..

I bought some beautiful yarn from Shilasdair at Colorways..the ultimate luxury..
All dyed with natural dyes on the Isle of Skye.

With names as: Bracken, Madder, Winter Loch, Summer Loch and Rowan Berry..
So tempting to buy one skein from all colors
They will turn in to scarves with a lining as made before..Stripes, dots and squares will be the theme..

But before I start knitting those, I must finish my cardigan and my Marimekko Inspired Very Bright Coloured cowl..
Simple Sprinkle is the name and THIS is the pattern..Might finish it tonight..

It was lovely to meet a few knitting friends at the fair..
Puk, Ammerins, Hilly and Carla, Miriam. I know them already for a long time.

Monique..The QUEEN of Lace gave me a button she bought for me during WoolWeek on the Shetland Isles last Autumn. The text is So True..So Me!!

She showed me an amazing fine knitted part of a lborder of a lace-shawl she just started with pure and very fine cashmere..
The pattern is after a shawl she saw in the museum on Unst..

After blocking it will show it's real Beauty..
And she pictured me wearing the Famous Sixareen Kep by Kate Davies.

On my list for next Winter...

And I bought a book by Berthi Smith- Sanders about the Samplers from the Amsterdam Civic Orphanage.

More about that book in my next blogpost..

Today goes well...
Need to do some shopping for dinner..


  1. You look Smashing!

    <3 for you and Bram.

  2. Lieverd, wat gebeurd er toch veel.
    Heel bijzonder om te zien hoe je al die emoties, als die gebeurtenissen, the ups and the downs, zo weet te combineren tot een blogpost.

    Ben in gedachten heel vaak bij jullie.

    x x x


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