Special People..

Knitters are Special People..
I know quite a lot of them...
And..alltough some I have never met in real life, there is a connection between knitters worldwide.
We find eachother on Ravelry and on Facebook.
The Internet has made it all possible..
I feel you can say that Knitting Connects...
In a previous post someone replied that knitting connects her with the past and the future.
Knitting is like like living, but you keep everything in your own hands on 2 needles..
That is so true for me, but it also connects me with beautiful people all around the globe..

Dear Knitters, you all have helped me so much over the last years, when my and our private life has changed dramatically.
There were postcards from America..
Skeins of beautiful yarn arrived here at home..
Touching mails and replies on my blogposts...
It all helps me to deal with it all and feel connected with the world I am living in.
Some would say..the Internet is not the real world.
For me it is a real world, next to the world of my daily life..

Jon, my dear friend from London did send me 2 beuatiful skeins of yarn he dyed himself,with a little patternbook by himself as a Christmas gift..
And I just love that little gingerbreadhouse made by his husband Roy..

James from New Zealand did send a package and inside I found little handknit stockings filled with chocolat...

and he did send me his own hand dyed yarn already a few times...

Linda from England did send me a few months ago a box full of loveliness..

Ulrike did send me 2 skeins of sockyarn in beautiful colours...

Marjoleine has send me so many cards..and yarn..and that stunning book from Kaffe Fasset I wrote about a few blogposts ago..
Monique and Ammerins did send me postcard from YarnHeaven Shetland..the place I love so much..

Herma often touches me with her replies on my blogposts..and when we meet up in real it is even better..
Michael in San Francisco is my example on how to wear a bowtie..and his podcast Fiberbeat is one of my favourites..
Evelien ofcourse, my knittinglandscape knitter in crime..who always spoils me with Yarn..
Franklin for me is one of the most talented knitters, and his cartoons on knitting always make me smile..besides that: his knowledge on the history of knitting is incredible..
Joe..who could forget Queer Joe..it seems to me he always knits..and yes, he also has a daily job..and I follow his blog for so many years..
Dorien, who I once met in my school is just a Darling..Blue Auracania I got from her at that time..
Than there is Mary Jane..we met in Shetland..we have seen eachother once..but there was a connection immediately..
Sean, who is a great knitter and who produced "Knitting Untangled" with the help of his knittingfriends..
Ragga, who teaches me all the tricks for a Lopapeysa through her Craftsy class I follow..
Hilly and Carla, the famous Dutch Knitters..always a joy to meet up..
Astrid with her wonderfull yarnstore in Zwolle..
And the proud owners of my LYS "Dol op Wol" : Claudi and Radboud..

And there are many, many more...as: Angelique, Puk, Vera, Agnes, Arja, Nancy, Yvonne, Ellis, Helene, Stephen, Jan-Herman, Jesse, Ted, Kyle, Nelleke, Sandra, Dagmar, Marijke, Rodrigo, Sandra from J&S, Malia, Yvon, Marie-José, Chris, Kate, Jolijn, Marjan, Rachel, Emily, Brent, Janel, Daniel, TinaDirkje, Clara, Britta, Rosemary,  Meg, Saskia...and...please forgive me if you are not mentioned..but I cherish you all..and next to that the list would be so long...

Thank you all so much for your generosity and warmth you all are giving me..
You really are helping me in this stage of my, and our life..it softens up everything..

And ofcourse I am wishing you a Wonderfull Christmas and a Warm and Woolly 2013.

Yes, Knitters are Special People...
No doubt about that!!


  1. Schat, wat prachtig!!!! Ontroerend!
    Met onzichtbare draden verbonden met elkaar, allemaal in het World wide Web, wat zo mooi gesponnen is.

    x x x

  2. ja lieve Jan als je zelf ook zo bijzonder bent, dan trek je bijzondere mensen aan, dikke Kerstknuffel uit Nijmegen


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