Gifts for the Holiday..Kaffe is Back..

When we were in Utrecht with my class, we also went to a pop-up shop named: DepArtmentStore..just opposite the museum.
Packed with all kind of beautiful Handmade design..

And there he was...
Waiting for me to be taken home..
I couldn't resist..

His name is: Karel-Jan.
He is made by Lammers en Lammers..
And he now lives happily in our house.

Don't know exactly why I fell for him?
Perhaps the Sweetness of it..the little cut out heart..
The Nostalgic feeling he gave me...
The little golden boat on his head, which looks like a crown.. (In my youth I have made loads of those paper boats)..

Anyway..he is now standing in the window, but I hope to have a better place for him.
Inbetween 2 windows, so he can look down on the crowd..

Perhaps his little sister with her red shoes will accompany him one day..

Ofcourse I will knit the coming weeks..
I have finished the Stripe and Dotts scarf..
My Odinn needs more knitting..
There is a FairIsle vest...

And I want to read..

In the last year knitting has taken it over..
I find it hard to concentrate.
Ofcourse I did read over the last years, but not that many books I used to read.

When I discovered reading as a small boy, you could find me always next to a pile of books from the library..
I just loved reading..Addicted you can say..
From typical Dutch Children books as: De Kameleon till The Little House on the Prairie..
De Scheepsjongens van Bontekoe till Niels Holgersson..

But now I have found the Perfect Book that combines it all..

"Dreaming in Colour" the autobiography by Knittinghero Kaffe Fassett.

Packed with colour you can say..inside and outside..
This man has such a great feeling for colour.
He is next to all his designs a very colourfull man himself.

Featured are also interesting life-adventures from this very special man..

( I am sure what would have happened when I would have ran into him..what a beautiful eyes this man has!)
I have read some parts already..
It is Very VERY GOOD and honest.
And it is lavsishly illustrated..

I have some more books by him..

Glorious Knitting I bought 2nd hand in Dublin..and it is those pages I really like..

Where you can see how he gets his is all comes from good and sharp looking around..

Glorious Needlepoint I bought 2nd hand in Glasgow..and it also brings beautiful items as this cushion-cover..

Some years ago we went to see his exhibition in the ModeMuseum in Hasselt.
Everything was there..knitting..embroidery..quilts...and..
He himself..

While watching a beautiful documentary about a trip he made to India and Vietnam he was sitting in front of us..drawing and writing in a notebook..
(I have lost the DVD The Colour Quest...Silly me, but I vividly see the scene where he changes plastic buckets on a market..and yes it looked better..very inspirational that DVD..)

Normally I would have said something, but strangely for me I didn't dare to do that at that moment..
I still regret that..
Here I some snaps I took from that exhibition..Knitting, Embroidery and Quilts..


Not sure if I ever will knit or quilt a colourfull piece after a pattern from Kaffe..but he is inspirational I think for knitters all around the Globe..
It is tempting..really tempting..
Who knows what 2013...or 2014..2015..will do with that idea..


  1. lieve jongens ik wens jullie heerljke dagen samen toe.
    blijf vooral dromen!!! je weet nooit wat de toekomst brengt!
    dikke knuffel berti / wolheks op rav.

  2. Ooo Jan, wat een smaakmakende blogpost. Kwijlend hang ik aan het scherm, zo mooi allemaal!!
    Ik wens je kleurrijke Kerstdagen, samen met je geweldige Bram.

    x x x


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