My Favourite Stitch-Pattern Book.

Some years ago..
I guess I just had re-discovered knitting while on holiday in Danmark.
On the way back we made a stop in Koge in the south of Seeland.
A town we know very well...
There was a little secondhand bookshop at the end of the Mainstreet.

I always visit second hand bookshops..
You never know what to expect or find..
In a corner was a small section with crafts..

I found  this book...

Never heared of it before..
On the first page was a text in Danish written..

I can read and speak a little Danish, so I know this is a gift from a mother given to her daughter for Christmas (Julen) in 1968.
It was only 5 Euro..

So I bought it...
And I wondered:
What was the name of the mother?
Who was the daughter?
Why and where did she buy the book? Because it is in English...
Did she buy it in Copenhagen? Or was it send from Amerika?

Questions on which I never will get an answer...

This book is the first of the 3 Volume's of books the Great Barbara G. Walker did write on Stitch patterns.
Now published by Schoolhouse Press.
This version is by Charles Scribner's Sons in New York and came out in 1968.
She did start in 1968 with the first one (I was 10 at that time), so this is the first print and the first of the Volume's

The book is:

Inside are 290 different stitches.
Very clear explained by text and a picture..
There are:

As this one...

Strange names as:

It tells the difference between Eyelet and Lace patterns.. Eyelet is les open than lace..

There is Lace ofcourse in the next Chapter..

And Cables..Loads of Cable variations..

(I so love the name Lovers' Knot..)

Later in my "KnittingLife" I discovered that this book is from a Living Knitting Legend.
A feminist and a non-believer in God as can be read in the Wikipedia link above.

I feel I am very fortunate to have found this "Treasury" in which so many inspiration can be found. Very often I take it off the bookshelve to have a look in it..
One day I hope to have the other Volume's. Because they are the best Stitch-Patternbooks in my opinion..

The last sentence in the Introduction says it all:


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