Day 8.

We spend a lovely afternoon at "Borg Verhildersum".
And in this case "We" means: Bram, myself and Birgitta (who stayes a few days with us, and is one of our best friends)
I know her about 35 years, and Bram knows her as long as we have a relation, so almost 30 years. 
We are very found of eachother which shows this picture from the 2 B's. ( I always take the pictures, so I am hardly on one)

( In this picture Bram looks good as you can see. But...after the cartrip to and back from Verhildersum in about 15 minutes, sitting on the terrace and a little ride with the wheelchair in the garden..he came home exhausted, could hardly walk and spend the rest of the day in bed. But I am really pleased with this picture, because it is a memory of a happy moment together)

In one of the houses is now an exhibition of Samplers from the 18th and 19th Century.
Very delicate and embroided in a time without electric light.
Here are a few examples...

On the terrace of the Restaurant we had tea with a "raspberry something" which tasted heavenly and tangy.


  1. Jan, je hebt dit samen met Bram en jullie vriendin gedaan, kijk daar op terug als waardevol en blij, HUGS JH

  2. Jan, Your posts have really been touching me. lots of love and hugs - JK

  3. ja de HISTORICHE DAGEN waren geweldig.
    Ik ben er vrijwilliger en stond in de snoep kraam.
    Voor deze dagen had ik een blauwe stola gebreid deze kun je zien op mijn blog.Wij zijn altijd erg blij om te horen dat mensen genieten als ze bij on zijn .
    Groetjes Elly

  4. Jan, ik hoop dat jullie nog heel lang samen herinneringen mogen ophalen aan deze week (en dank je wel voor het, via jouw verslag, mogen 'terug'keren naar het prachtige Groninger land).
    Lieve groet, J.


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