Knitting..And..Frogging....and Knitting again...

Over the last few months my knitting came somewhere behind..
Compared to last year - with usually 1 lace-shawl a month- hardly anything came of the needles. 
A pair of socks for Bram (yes, I must make some photo's)...,
some squares for the weddingblanket for Jon and Roy..,
but that is all.

Not much for an Addicted Knitter as I know myself..
There is plenty of yarn around at home in boxes and bags.....
Plenty of ideas..
A few things on the needles...
But..nothing happened or was finished..

Is this a kind of Knitting Burn-out?
No, it is not..Definitely NOT..

On Mondaynight I picked up my needles. Not the Fair-Isle one (too complicated..maybe later in the holiday) but the one with the Blue Aran Jamieson & Smith yarn on it. 
Pattern by my favourite Knitting Hero Elizabeth Zimmerman.
From her book The Opinionated Knitter which I got as a birthdaygift from Bram while on the Shetland Isles 2 years ago..

I remember vividly the moment I bought this yarn at the Jamieson & Smith store in Lerwick. with this pattern in my head. 
There were 2 options, either purple or blue. I decided to go for blue, because the cables would  be more visible in this colour.

Blue, with hints of green..

But..on the way back we had a stop in Melrose,and in the bookshop I found -to my big surprise- the book: Knits Men want. 
Inside was a pattern for a simple cardigan ..and suddely I changed my mind. 
The blue yarn was the perfect yarn for it. 
No more cables..I would go for Simplicity, because that is what a Man like me really wants..
At home I cast on. Knitted the back and 1 front part..
Doubts came....
I didn't like the idea of sewing on the button band...and it looked a bit boring..
The EZ cardigan came back in sight
Why on Earth did I ever made this choice...??
Frogging came in sight..and I did..

Back to could I have been so stupid to let her go??

I made a swatch on needle 4,5. 
Calculated the amount of stiches. 
Cast on...and off I went..
First thought: that looks beautiful and steeking wouldn't be that difficult..would it?
Don't know why, but all of a sudden it left me..or did I leave?
It was waiting on the table with the idea: I will finnish it off this summer, so I can wear it the coming winter...
After starting on again, I got the feeling that the fabric was to dense..
Doubts came again...

Isn't there too much happening? All those squares and cables around??

And than..while on Ravelry I came across a pattern by Kate Davies..The Warriston.. and as she writes a sweater: "Inspired by the smock-like garments once worn by shepherds and fishmermen".
Designed for Women, but with some changes it could be very well and item for a Man.
Might do only the patternstitches under and leave the rest plain....

I asked Kate by mail if this was a good idea and got a real nice E-mail back in which she mentioned that it was a good idea to make one for myself..

I have something like a Smock in my wardrobe. 
My Smock based shirt from COS. 
One of my favourite items, and I love to wear it.

A Smock...No, nothing like a smocked dress..Wikipedia tells (as always) the story.
2 years ago at the BoatMuseum on Shetland I took this picture from an original one, worn by a fisherman.

Ofcourse I bought the pattern, which is part of a really good E-magazine (very well written by Kate herself) with the title: TextIsles. 
It contains: 2 feature essays exploring the history of the English smock; an interview with Claire Smith about working with historic smocks and smocking techniques and the pattern for the smock-frock inspired sweater Warriston.

I might buy the 2nd issue also because it is a beautiful and well written magazine and it tells the story of the famous Betty Mouad fom Shetland. All for sale on her website or through Ravelry ofcourse.
Secretly, I envy Kate a little...but just a little...writing an time for those things now, but who knows in the future..

After another look at my knitting I knew what to do...
Frogging was the answer...

So I frogged...

Was I really sure???

Yes..I was all too much for me...
I went on...

And on...

No Regrets..

Until the slip-knot appeared....still No Regrets...
(And as I always tell myself: The proces is more important than the result...)

At the end 6 balls of glorious Shetland yarn were on the table.. ready to be cast-on again..

A new start for a -hopefully well fitted- item I will wear with great pleasure...

Holiday memories of Shetland appear now and than. 
For those moments I have my special mug ready...
and than I am back in Shetland for a moment...


  1. Dat je dat kunt! Uithalen. Dapper. Ik heb dezelfde mok, maar dan met I'd rather be knitting. Daar begin ik elke dag mee. :-)

  2. Heb genoten van je fotoreportage van het uithalen. Wat herkenbaar, er opeens niet meer achter staan. Ik kan nog wat van je leren, want ik heb dan nog wel eens de neiging om het werkje weg te leggen en het daar te laten tot in lengte van dagen. Uithalen is veel efficiënter, maar moet je maar durven. Ik leer het nu van jou, dank je wel!!!
    Succes met de mooie balletjes die nu klaarliggen voor het volgende project.


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