Brains and Heads...

Last Saturday the first edition from the "Kopfestival" organized by ScienceCafe Deventer took place in my town. A day full of information about our Brains and this in combination with Art and Music. It was the first day of my 7 weeks a nice start.

A few months ago -while in the train to work- I got in contact with Anne, one of the organizers of the festival. She invited me to join the "Knit a Neuron' Project. I didn't had a clue what a neuron is... but there is always Wikipedia to go to.
She told me about the "Knit a Neuron" project initiated by Helen Featherstone.

I printed out all the info and the patterns and did cast on the same evening. My first neurons appeared in Berocco Ultra Alpaca, LornaLace handdyed sockyarn, Jamieson & Smith Aran....because one must have something to choose..

We had a meeting to talk about the project. Geertje Dokter would make "something "to hang on the Neurons. And this rather strange person came at the table...

KnitNeuron evenings were organized in our Fabulous New yarnstore: Dol-Op-Wol. Unfortunately I couldn't attend them due to the situation here at home. But at the end more than 200 Neurons in different yarns and sizes were knitted. And I had the task to knit a cover for the Ipad in bright Red acrylic yarn.

And than it started round 13.00 hrs... with preparing the "brains" which would be filled with neurons.

After a neuron was hanged a photo was taken...
The endresult round 21.00 hrs. was this rather spectaculair sculpture..

By placing all photo's behind eachother a film was made which can be seen here.

Geertje appeared inside the Neurons..

And we saw some beautiful shadows appearing...

Could be a nice idea for a print..on a duvet cover...

But.. at the end...One Neuron left -rather unsuccessful- the building....

May he or she... rest in Peace...

But talking about Heads..

When entering the building from the Festival I saw those amazing heads made out of cardboard made by:              

 They walked in town..

and placed themselves on the balcony of the Historic Museum
(those 2 pictures courtesy of and taken from
their Facebook page...please Like them there!!)

I had never heared of them... 
and I think what they do is Fabulous..
So beautiful made..
The scale...the details...

They even made one head together with guests attending the fesival..

Might try to get them in my school for a workshop..there are some really inspiring ideas on their website...

In my youth I have always loved making things out of cardboard...

I remember Masks too..Not as big as those ones...
Guess I was a real Crafty Boy in my youth...and I think I am still one..
Who knows.... one day I might join the world of Cardboard..


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