Turned into a Gardener..

I never thought it would happen..but I suddenly turned into a kind of Devoted Gardener.
Our garden has the size of a stamp, but since our life has tumbled there is more attention for the small and important things in life.
So... over the last week I worked in the garden to get my mind calmed down. About 1,5 week ago after a visit to the hospital in Nijmegen and Bram's condition running down (he lost 6 kilo)it all became too much for me. During a walk in the park there were tears running and I decided to stay home for a few days. That has turned into a week and last Thursday I went back to work. The week passed by with little bike rides in the sun, a little gardening. a visit to the gardencentre... and letting the days go by in a calm and pleasant way.
Guess it was just in time to take this step, because I can handle the situation much better now.
The coming Tuesday we have to go to Gastrointestinal liver specialist and see if she can do something for him

But back to the garden..
I planted a Trachelospermum Jasminioides ( The Tuscan Jasmine) on the right next to the backdoor and a Passiflore Caerulea on the left.

They hopefully will climb and blossom and make a lovely sight.

4 French Geraniums in potts, so Bram has a nice vieuw on them from the inside.

We need to buy a little tree for this big Pot... perhaps a pink blossoming Prunus..

The Gunnera has survived the Cold Winter...

And the beautiful grape hyacinths are happily flowering which means Spring really has arrived.

Last week a little gardener was helping in the garden too...

Almost 4 years now. Jim is a real joy in our life.

Knitting Crochet...
And I also turned into Crochet...
Never thought that would happen....
I used to say... Crochet..Not for me...Never again..
I had a close look at my stash...
My little leftover balls of Shetland yarn I bought second hand on Shetland...
The skeins I bought a Jamieson and at Jamieson & Smith...
All those colours....
Wouldn't it be nice to make an Afghan out of it....
Suddenly a crochet hook appeared....
I did crochet a lot in the 80's...
I remember a french bag...
Little valance for the windows....
Sheets with crochet borders....

And suddenly...
I was kind of hooked....

It will take a while before it will be finished, but it is just nice to pick it up..make a few stitches..and..see how colours work...just lovely to do..
My socks and cardi need to wait a little..but maybe inbetween....

Yesterday the Postman brought a little parcel and after opening I found a lovely card from my dear Friend Franzi and 3 beautiful skeins of hand dyed sockyarn. Such a nice gift..Really wonderfull to have a friend far away who thinks of me and Bram...

Life it not easy sometimes..
But with a little gardening..
Crochet and Knitting...
Good friends and support...
And attention for the small things in life..
We have managed sofar..


  1. Wat weer een mooi, ontroerend en kleurrijk postje. Wat vreselijk dat het maar niet beter wil gaan met Bram, het is jullie namelijk zo gegunt dat het wel beter zal gaan!
    Goed dat je even de tijd nam om de emoties te voelen en een plek te geven en wat is daar een beter medicijn daarvoor dan tuinieren en haken/breien.
    En wat is Jim alweer groot zeg, alweer vier jaar geleden dat hij geboren werd.....ik herinner het me nog als gisteren..time flys....

    Lieve Jan, sterkte met alles.
    Dikke tut voor jou en een dikke tut voor Bram
    X X


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