Don't Worry...But I Do..

Last week the Doctor from our school adviced me to stay one week at home. I think she was right in that advice. Over the last few weeks it all became a bit too much for the both of us. Bram's health has gone down and because of that I hardly slept during the nights. I felt I was dealing with 2 jobs in one day. The coming week is holiday and I hope to get back to work after that.
We have tried to get Bram into the Hospital for care and research but that is not possible. He has lost almost 9 Kilo which has the effect of hardly having energy. Precaution is not a reason and you can only enter the Hospital if something really happens like falling of the stairs and breaking something. It all has to do I think with the way Hospitals work and I can't do anything about that...
But we have now Professional Care by a small team from "BuurtZorg"  and they are a kind of Caring Angels. They come once a day for support for him, but they also have an eye for me..

During lunchtime our Doctor came after I did phone him (again). We had a good talk the 3 of us, but we have to wait till next week Friday when we can go to the Hospital to see a Specialist.. Not an easy thing to wait another week...

While going to buy some bread I thought about the whole situatiin in general. What to do? What is Wisdom in this case?
There are a few options as:

Bend Like Bamboo..or Go with the Flow...
Don't Worry KNIT (thanks to Marjoleine who did send me this button)
Live Here and Now and Cherish the Moment....
Stop the Battle but keep the Communication going..
Step out to get a clear overview...
Take a look at it from another perspective....

The solution is probably a mixture from all of them, because all of them did help me over the last years in difficult situations..
It is not all Doom and Gloom. There are also wonderfull moments we have together while talking about the past 29 years we have lived together. Dinners with friends, walks in the Norwegian Mountains, having tea and cake in Amsterdam... etc. etc... Memories....
My class did send me a lovely card and a box of chocolats (They know I have a sweet tooth) which touched me very much..

And this morning the Postman brought me a lovely gift send by my Dear Slovakian Friend Jarmilla. It is a scarf which will be worn by the Slovak Olympic team.
The pattern is after traditional paintings on wooden houses in one of my favourite Slovak villages: Čičmany. I have always loved to go there. Such a Special Magical place to go and I was lucky that my Slovakian colleagues did bring me overthere. Could be nice to enter those patterns in a sweater..or socks..or... who knows..

Talking about KNITTING.
After receiving this button I decided to finish of a sock for Bram and cast on the second one...

My blue cardi is still waiting and so is my Fair Isle vest....but there is this plan to knit my own "Sarah Lund" pullover
with this pattern. I am now searching for yarn. There are a few options: Alafoss Lopi, Eskimo from Drops or Tundra from BC garn. I did buy 2 colours BC garn yesterday. Love the BottleGreen, but not sure about the Purple...hmmm...not sure yet...

I will make a bigger swatch this weekend..and otherwise...the search will continue...

The coming week is Holiday...The garden is workroom is waiting...Spring is time to Clean and Clear...


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