Message from an Island

Yes...we are in Ireland. Arrived in Cleggan last Saturday. It always feels as coming home. Always when I see Cleggan from the top of the hill tears are coming up. This time was no exception. On arriving at the cottage tears again when seeing Anne and family. Really a warm welcome as always, but guess after all what happened last year it was even more special to be back at the little cottage by the sea. The last days have past by in a pleasant way with little walks, shopping in Clifden,my first swim in the Atlantic, meeting up with people we have got to know over the years as Heinz and Marianne, Nicole from the Clifden Bookshop,the owners of the lovely coffeeshop UpstairsDownstairs ( I am now having a cappucino there while writing this), Inez (who will come for dinner tonight..Fishpie on the Menu).
Did already knit a shawl for Anne in a beautiful hand dyed yarn from A Verb for keeping Warm I got from my knittingfriend Mike.

The trip to here went well. Bram was very tired ofcourse but now has 3 weeks to feel better. We have used the wheelchair much more and found out that it has benefits. A big cabin on the Ferry to Hull, the best room in the hotel and the kindness from people. Last year I didn't feel comfortable with it, but guess after all happened to Bram and me I really don't care anymore. Being Alive and being together is much more impotant than the use of a wheelchair.
Little drizzle now. Not very strange here..could clear up in the afternoon. Yesterday was glorious. A day full of sunshine and blue sky. Got really sunburned...

Ireland..always good to be here. Anne told me this morning that I already look so well..and Yes..I feel very well...
Shopping now...Fishmonger and Supermarket...Life is good here at the edge of Europe.


  1. O Lieverds, wat fijn dat jullie weer in good old Ireland zijn!! En dat de reis er naar toe goed gegaan is. Nu 3 weken om te genieten, contacten weer aan te halen en heel veel breien.
    Wat ongelovelijk fijn dat Bram de reis toch kon maken en nu 3 weken kan genieten van de sfeer en het uizicht. Samen daar zijn, zo goed!!

    Dikke knuffel en hopelijk laat je nog eens wat horen de komende 3 weken.

    x x x


  2. Klinkt heerlijk Jan! Geniet ervan met volle teugen :-)

    Liefs, Hilly

  3. het is jullie zo gegund!! dikke knuffels van een andere ierlandfan
    berti (wolheks van ravelry)


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