The Fashionshow...

Yes,I know..this blog should also be about knitting..but that topic doesn't has to tell much at the moment. But it also tells the things I do or meet up with in life as the yearly fashion show from our department.My colleague Riky Vos shot great photo's and almost all of them in this post are made by her.
This year we had an extremely good 4th year class who showed their final work. It is not every year you have such a group who is so keen on knowing everything about the fashionindustry. It was always a joy to teach this group and the last half year was no exepction. They are all different and have different personalities which comes out when they are designing and producing their Final Collections. Next to that students from level 2 and 3 and the 3th year class showed their products.
My task during the show is talk the audience throug the show, which is really fun to do, and it seems I have the right voice for it.The show did start with the 3th year class who showed experimental outfits made from flax and linnen who were dyed with natual dyes. I always like big groups on stage

After that the Final work from level 2 was showed. Based on the theme Latino these girls showed off their colourfull outfits. Level 2 always moves me, because they come from such different backgrounds and cultures and to see them proudly on stage is a real joy.

The 3th year class showed naughty secretary girls
in tweed jackets with funny accecories
Evening gowns was also a theme and I particulary liked this pompom one (yes, all pompoms are handmade!!)

But most attention ofcourse was for the final collections. There are no pictures from all of them, but a few stand out for me and here is a little selection

Backstage is always a mess with shoes everywhere...

but there is also time to make some nice shots from outfit as those from Shusanik Moutafian based on baskets..

Next to the show students also have to present photos from a photoshoot they have done. I particulary liked those professional ones from Eline Bouman who's collection was titled "Le Sac"

Overall a real nice day and evening and let's see how next year show will be..


  1. Leuk en wat zitten er mooie creaties tussen. Die Eline Bouman komt er wel.

  2. Mooi werk zit er bij! En écht fijne stoffen zo te zien!En zelf ook beetje trots zijn!


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