Work, Passion & Private Life
School has started last week after a 1 week autumn holiday.... My holiday was a bit of a mix from feeling good and feeling moody every now and than.. But later more about this subject. The holiday started off with a trip to Rotterdam to meet up with my knitting friends at the Dutch Knitting Cafe at the "Handwerkbeurs"= Craftfair.
So finally I could have a talk with YvonneP, The wonderfull Puk (or Ballee) and The Fabulous Hilly and all the other ones who are not on the photo...
If Ravelry wasn't existing I am not sure if we had met.. Yvonne even wore the Agree shirt from Rav.. (looks good on you honey!!!!)
I did knit on my Earl Greay sock and Puk made a wonderfull new photo from me wearing the sock slightly different (has been my avatar for a while). Knitting really has become my passion and I really love to knit......
I've had a relaxing day despite the fact that the fair itself was not very exiting compared to f.e. the I Knit Fair in London. It is a mix from loads of patchwork and other craft-materials you can buy and some stands with yarns.....and not all of them were very exiting. Holland doesn't have a lot of Indie Dyers so only a few were there... (perhaps I have to start dyeing myself I wonder often) But I bought some emerald coloured sockyarn from Malabrigo for a pair of socks for Bram (they are almost finished and look nice), some Knitpro needles and a book about Gansey's.....And there were the Knitcelebs ofcourse.. How about the Queen of Brioche: Mrs. Nancy Marchant (her book is coming soon!!!) and Erwen from the Knitwitches
When I left the Fair I walked with Nancy to the railwaystation and she wore an amazing cardi (ofcourse designed and knitted by herself) with a stunning crochet scarf (handdyed she told me) It was such a beautiful colourcombination that I had to take a picture from it.
During the first days of the week I worked some hours on the sock for the book (needs to be finished in january) made swatches, liked the yarn but not the colours and Jon from Easyknits will dye yarn specially for me this week.. I felt moody in a way and that all has to do with the healthsituation Bram is in and the consequences this has for our relation. It is difficult now and than to cope with this. He can't help it ofcourse but the fact that we can't go away sin't very nice. We often went for a week to Danmark during autumn holiday with visits to Copenhagen. Now we can't do that anymore simply because of the fact that his mobility is very weak and after 5 minuteds walking he needs to rest. It is not good for him to go and not good for me and not good for the both of us.. So friends adviced me to do the things alone....but walking alone in Amsterdam feels now a bit amputated and I even more feel the pain and sorrow and the sadness..We used to do most of the things together and it is strange to do the shopping alone or going to a museum just doesn't feel good now, but we have to work on it. After an emotional clash with Bram I decided to go back to my "Personal Shrink for Real Lunatics" for some talks (she has her practice opposite of our street, very handy). She works with EMDR which works very well on me. I feel good going to her and ofcourse during the first talk I cried but it was a relief to let go my emotions. I don't know exactly how it works but the next day I felt much better and my energy came back.. And for the rest of the holiday things went is still not in balance but I am working on it which feels good. It is strange to live with a patient/ partner and lover who needs care and esspcially Bram who always is so lively and wants to go and see things...
Another topic from my personal life:
School.... let's show you the building.. My school is situated in Enschede which is about 50 minutes by train from Deventer. Very comfortable and they run twice an hour directly. With coffee, my Ipod and a book no problem at all. The building itself was finished in 1922 and the design is typical for that era.
It was made as a Higher textileschool and at tiles at the in- and outside of the building you can see textile related design as spinningwheels, cotton flowers etc.
It looks quite strict and formal from the outside and the hall also is very dark and strict. I love to work in that historic building and the scale is perfect for me. Too big schools don't work for students and teachers is my opinion, so I am happy to work here and not in the other new BIG ROC Buildings. The re-design for the school is done by AA- architects from Enschede and it is very well done. Next to the building a big glass building was built during the last schoolyear and the entrance is no longer at the front but at the side of the building.
Saxion Art and Textile is situated there and I will teach there the last 2 semesters. The glass covers the whole building and from the in and outside it is stunning! The inside is very modern with a moving staircase:
A canteen with colourfull benches:
and a terrace on top of the building with great vieuws:
So not a bad place to work I feel. My lesson at the first year class have become special. I have 2 special need students Virtual in my class with a Webchair during the lessons design and it is very special for me to have conact with the 2 students. The Skype with me and the class and it is a joy to see them feeling better.
A film with one of them featuring can be seen here. It adds something special to my lessons, to my students and to me personal ofcourse... This week I am off for 4 days to Glasgow with 2 collegues to start up a new Comenius International textile project called "Red Thread" and next to work there is time for pleasure and visiting a yarnshop ofcourse..

I always had a love for old buildings and am so glad the school is still there, I hope they did not get rid of the amazingly beautiful old doctors houses across the street??
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSounds like you had a great day at the fair and in our Dutch Knitting Café Jan! It was great to meet you there and knit some rows together. See you again in Zwolle in February!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGroeten Carla M (The Dutch Knitters)