UFO's, FO's, AFO's and: NO this not SF...
Let's do a confession........ I AM A YARN -ADDICT!!!! Yarn is in our house everywhere nowadays. Packed in bags and boxes and to be honest ... for the coming years I really do not need any yarn...I can knit loads of things with all my yarns.... But... every time I see a yarn store somewhere (in reality or on the net) I sort of forget all my stash and I get the feeling that I really need some new yarn to make something really beautiful. I get easily tempted by beautiful hand dyed sock yarn or a simple tweed yarn for a cosy sweater or some alpaca/ merino for a pair of gloves...What is it in me that I never have the feeling: it is enough and use all your stash before buying anything new. Answer: I simply can't resist!!! Textiles has always been a great love of mine since my childhood and learning to knit was something I really loved. The result you get when you have 2 sticks, some yarn and a movement simply did blow my mind away in the beginning of my "discovery of knitting" (and it still does). Guess it also has to do with my "love to touch textiles". Whenever I pass a market stall with fabrics I have to touch and feel and so this is with yarns. So there is this Yarn -Junkie and his UFO's (for non -knitters: this means Unfinished Object's) , his FO's (logical to say this is Finished Object) his new list of shortenings as: AFO's: Almost Finished Object, WTBFO (Waiting To Be Finished Object)ALWTBFO (Already Long Waiting To Be Finished Object), WSWO (Winter-Sleep Waiting Object) and may more shortenings can be made...
Let's show some of my FO's and AFO's:
From left to right: A lace shawl in Shetland lace yarn for a friend (This is from 1 skein and I need to knit 2 more skeins and than it will be completed.
A pair of Gansey socks for myself (FO) in Lorna Lace yarn
A pair of Escalator pattern socks in Wollmeise handdyed (yes: FO)
A Pair of socks for Bram in handdyed Malabrigo sockyarn (AFO, need to finish them only)
A pair of red and green socks (matching but slightly different) in Earl Grey Pattern from Wildfoote luxury sock yarn (also an AFO)
But there is more round the house... How about this lovely couple:
The red yarn (bought it last year in Ireland) is the back of a new Daniel cardigan. I have ripped it out already twice because the gauge wasn't right and perhaps I will do it again and make a sweater of it. I would like to try the Seamless Hybrid (example here) from Elizabeth Zimmerman with a contrast colour in it......Defintely a WSWO.
Under it is the Pi Shawl also from EZ in Noro yarn. Originally I did knit this hoodie from it but after finishing and putting it on Bram's reply was: Are you really going to wear this?
YES, he was right..I would never wear this..... never in my whole life. For sure I was in a kind of Colour mood when I bought the yarn and I kept saying to myself while knitting: the colours are really nice and it looks like Missoni and I am sure it will look good on me..
So I ripped out everything (knitting is about the process and not only about the product I whispered to myself while ripping!!) and dyed the yarn blue and it came our really nice.
So I cast on the Pi shawl (after I did knit a small example) for my -to be meditation shawl-because I always cool down when I meditate. It is a great pattern but... also a little boring when 1 row is about 500 stithes...so this is my ALWTBFO. I am sure one day I will continue with it and the result will be breath taking...but not now.
While in Glasgow I couldn't resist to buy some hand-dyed merino/ cashmere in beautiful purple for a pair of gloves (did a pair already some years ago). When I came home I immediately found a pattern in the book : The Knitting (Man)ual and started with the first glove. It went well very good with cuff and hand and the first finger. Since last week it is waiting for me on the table in the living-room to be finished this winter.
So this is my UFO which will be a FO hopefully soon and there are more.......
These are my other Earl Grey socks also from the Wildfoot yarn and I decided to make a matching pair with the red ones'.
So I can wear f.e. a red sock on my left foot and a green one on my right and the pattern is the same (lovely tiny cable's).. So there will be a green, blue and red one and a blue, green and red one (sounds maybe not very clear to you but it is very clear to me).. I have to knit them with these skeins so the result will be a kind of wildly coloured socks. Definitely a UFO now, but will be a AFO very soon and than I will start the last sock in this serie.
Also on the needles since a few weeks are the KAWKAWESQUE socks from Yarnissima in Wollmeise yarn. Yes..... a UFO!!!
Toe is ready (yes it is a toe up sock) and I need to switch to bigger needles now. I am sure they will come out nice. Next week I will visit Marjan (yes she is the great designer behind the label Yarnissima!) and I will take them with me for some questions.
Being a total Yarn Junky I couldn't resist a question from my FB friend Marie Jose. She is Dutch but lives now in the USA with husband and wonderful little baby boy (did met her during the train ride to the first Dutch SnB day in Rotterdam years ago). Her question was: if you want me to take some yarn with me for you please order.. So I ordered some nice handdyed Blue Moon Socks that Rock yarn for 3 pairs of socks
No pattern yet and not even a UFO yet.. Guess this is called a PUFO which is a: Premature Unfinished Object! Anyone having more Shortenings..leave a message behind please :-)
And... to tell the truth...
I really have more on the needles than those projects... More UFO's and other sort of ...FO's but please don't tell anyone. To have my coming-out as a yarnjunkie wasn't that easy...

LOL!!! Zo herkenbaar.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYes, one can never ever have to many projects on the needles. And having a yarn stash is an addiction. Our knitting group calls the yarn store the "petting zoo".
BeantwoordenVerwijderenhahaha, ben ik dus niet de enige die zoveel op de pennen heeft staan.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJe overtreft me zelfs.
Meteen een goed excuus om te vinden dat ik niet te veel ufo's heb.
na een rustige veel FO zomer, dreig ik te verzanden in een berg van UFO en COBWNF (Cast on but will never finish) things..
BeantwoordenVerwijderenen oh.. blue moon... is het wat?
LOL! Waarschijnlijk heb ik evenveel stash en bijna evenveel UFO's (zeker als ik de WSWO's meetel, wat ik anders nooit doe). EZ kan ik je aanraden, ik heb goeie ervaringen met haar methode.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI suspected you were an addict and I'm glad you came out. The first step is admitting you have a problem! Now I know what to do if we go anywhere: keep you away from the dealers (LYS). Together we can kick this habit! That's what friends are for! (But you don't mind if I buy some stuff every now and then do you?;))
BeantwoordenVerwijderen**LOL* happy knitting when you get to it - in the mean weile nice to have a petting zoo of ones own ;-)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHoe herkenbaar! Oh, als je mijn stash zou zien.... Met de UFO's plus alle varianten valt het bij mij nog iets mee, dankzij Ravelry kan ik dat nu redelijk kort houden, maar het is niet voor niets dat ik een koopstop heb tot aan de handwerkbeurs in Zwolle. Maar of ik me er helemaal aan kan houden? Tja....