Simple things in Life

I notice by myself for a while that I am really more and more enjoying the Little and often Simple Things of Life. Guess it has to do with getting older but also with all things happening to me in my private life and the complexity of the world around me and the world we all live in. While in Glasgow I got a few little gifts from my Slovakian Colleges as this very sweet plate with cookies on it all made to eat. Hard to do in a way because it looks so beautiful... I love those things. Very traditional in a way but it gets right into my heart and I can feel it is made with love and attention. Perhaps you have to come into a certain stage in life that you appreciate those things. Because Bram is not very healthy and his mobility is not good we can't go for a day to Amsterdam (wheel chair could be an option but we both are not at the stage that we are doing it) we stay at home more and more. Sometimes that doesn't feel good but than we try to make a nice day here in Deventer of i...