Party, Party..... and some more Exitement....

Years ago I was a member of "Tour de Cuisine". We were a group of 5 artists from Deventer and we all had a passion for cooking. So we decided to organize a dinnerparty (5 course meal) only for friends. It ended up that we had to cook for 100 people and had about 30 volunteers to help us during the evening. And we did present the courses in an artistic way. We had an Apron fashion show, there was Darwin's dinner in a cupboard, a garden centre were you could get salads and 3 trollies full of desserts and the start of the evening was a procession with students dressed in rags on the Requiem from Mozart... Was ofcourse great fun to do, a lot of work but something to rember. We were young, just left artschool and full of energy. We did 2 more in the following 2 years but after that the magic was gone and the challenge wasn't there anymore.. I made clothes for all 3, learned a lot and I am so happy I have done those things. But we always kept contact with eachother and Agnes and Albert came up with the idea to organize a "Rendez Vous de Tour Dinnerparty" We all had to cook and I was asked to make the dessert (white chocolatmousse from Nigel Slater: always a hit)
Last friday was THE evening and we had a great time. Lovely food and such fun. It was all about "slap ouwehoeren"as we call it here (which means nonsense talking), laughing, yelling and a lot of wine and limoncello afterwards (and no headache on saturdaymorning!).
I made "special napkins" for everyone and Agnes gave us all a bottle of wine to remember the great evening we had. Yes, I am the one with the moustache and one of my students told me years ago that I looked like a bad actor from a 70's gay Porn Movie.... (Guess he was right in a way... and that I look much younger without a moustache)So an evening worth to remember but the photo's I made are mostly all not very clear....;-)Last night we were also invited to another dinner from our neighbour who became 60 and about 35 people were invited for a vegetarian dinner at : "De Bouwkunde" which is a restaurant/ theatre just around our corner. I was lovely and esspecially the carpaccio from an old varietybeetroot was really tasty and I loved the creme brullee. Forgot to take pictures but had a nice talk with the 2 children from our neighbour Herman. Work is fine at the moment. I am doing a "Moulage" project with our 2nd year students and the results are great as you can see on those pictures. The got 3 mtrs. of fabric and without a pattern they have to make a blouse. It is all about Shape and interesting and different Coupe. Theme is: "Sumptuous"from TextileView Magazine. Before this task we learned them the basics from moulage by making a shape of a perfume bottel into a skirt. It is all about pinns, folding etc. Madeleine Vionnet was one of the great inventors of Moulage. Tomorrow 2 physically handicaped young girls will appear in my class for a meeting with my 1th year class and the coming year they will be in my class by using a web chair. A film (sorry in Dutch) with one of the students can be seen here. Very interesting to work with I think and also quite moving when you realize that life for such a youngsters is very hard. Current knitting: I am working on 2 socks: the Earl Grey from The Yarn Harlot and the Escalator in Wollmeise yarn. They both come out nicely. And... surprise... I was asked to design a sock for a book which will be published in the UK and USA. It is by the author of Country Weekend Knits. She is a dear friend from the woman who rented out the cottage in Walls last summer and because Margaret saw me knitting a sock she got in contact with Madeline and she contaqted me a few weeks ago. It's quite a challenge but exiting. I am using bamboo /merino yarn from Easyknits . The sock is going to be a kind of combination from Fair Isle and Gansey patterns.Jon will dye specially for this project my colours and it will be sold as a kit. I am now working on a colour sceme after the publisher wanted other colours than the one the author an I suggested. Will keep you updated about this


  1. Geweldig zo een webchair!! En fantastisch voor die meiden!! Heb net even het filmpje bekeken, zoiets zou hier geweldig zijn voor de Migrant students.
    Dat word vast een heel interesant jaar, en die blouses, WOW!!! (maken jullie er een in mijn maat??)
    (BTW, als je een testknitter nodig hebt?)


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