OUT NOW!!!!!!....
No, I am not OUT... but the the book: "YARNBOMBING"is OUT NOW!!!! The idea for this really great book is by Mandy Moore and Leanne Prain (you've done a great job Girls!) Packed full of of photos from wonderfull objects and great ideas for "soon to be yarn bombers". Published by
Arsenal Pulp Press based Canada and for a cheap $ 13.57 it is really worth every penny or Eurocent as we say here in Holland.
But... the best of this book is that our Project: Knitted Landscape is featured in it on many pages:
We were asked last year by Mandy and Leanne to contribute to this book and ofcourse we said yes to that opportunity. Because it doesn't happen often that your photos are published in a book. Seeing your photos printed in a real book gives a strange feeling after the first glance at them (you get used to that feeling very soon) but I think they really are good photos and we are both in a way proud that we are IN! The book is really well writtten and also the intervieuw we have done with them has come out very good...
Next to all info we are in very good company with various yarnbombing groups as: Masquerade, Incogknito, Micro-Fiber Militia and some others. All groups donated patterns to the book and we did two: a tulip and a mushroom. |"My tulip" has been send to Canada and was taken to a lake close to Vancouver (were the girls are based) for a picture by Jeff Christenson and I really like this picture from a Dutch tulip with a sunset.
In a way we are done with the project, but after reading the book I got the feeling to do something again, but thatshould be really something different than the things we have done before.. Who knows.... that one day something different knitted will appear on the streets.
Current knitting: a lace scarf for a friend (very late birthdaygift) in soft green lace yarn (to tell the truth: lace knitting is not my thing I have discovered) and some new socks for myself. The pattern is the Lighthouse Gansey Sock published in Knitty and they come out really nice in the handdyed LornaLace yarn purchased some years ago at Wolhalla. I always have some projects on the needles for a change and socks I can knit during breaks at school when the patterns isn't too difficult.
Talking about work.. Last week was the first week that I had to teach after the long summerbreak and every year I come home after the first day of teaching and than Bram always asks how it went and my reply every year is: I still can do it. But my students are great to work with and one important part of my job is to create a good atmosphere in the classroom so we all have a good time. My scedule is very relaxed with not so many lessons and time to work on my other tasks as: International Projects and trainings, writing new lessons etc.
Going to school takes a trainride from 50 minutes -from Deventer to Enschede- which is fine. I read something, drink my cappucino,listen to music, talk with collegues or work things out in my head. Going by train is much better than taking the car every morning with the busy traffic and it usually takes more time than a trainride. I am lucky that I live 10 minutes walking from the railwaystation and also in Enschede it is about 5 minutes walking. Every morning I pass this park with the lake and I always take a minute to have a close look at the light. In spring there are sometimes young swans and in autumm the colours of the leaves are wonderfull. Now everything is still green and lush.....
But I also have noticed that I need my meditation to keep everything clear in my mind, head and soul. I am not meditating every day but usually 2 or 3 times a week and my mind gets calm sometimes and silent...
As mentioned in my previous entry (thanks for all the kind words) Bram's health is not very good at the moment and after the holiday we went to our doctor. She told us to go to the hospital and have a talk with the cardiologst and perhaps something could be done about the medicine. We also discovered that an other specialist we had visited in spring wrote down an idea from which we didn't know anything (yes: bad communictaion is a real toppic in our hospital I would say) and we got to read this at our doctor.. So.. big surprise to the both of us...
Appointment were made in the hospital and we went to see a specialist about his high cholesterol (has this all his life, but now he needs to take pills as prevention since 3 years) and an heartfilm was made and after that we went to our"not very friendly" cardiologist and his first questions were in a rude way: why are you here, I don't know anything and for changing of pills you need to see your doctor, etc. etc. etc. We both got very angry and told him what has happend , why we were here and that we thought he was the man who could have a look at it. It ended that we went out very angry and that we would get a call in the afternoon about the medicine change. In the afternoon we got a phonecall with the message that we had to go to our doctor to see what he could do. We went to him and told the whole story, that we were very angry (I am still very angry when I think of it) and also told him that we don't want to go back to this man anymore ( I probably will write a complaint about this man to the hospital) and that we would like to have a second opinion in another hospital. He told us that he would have a phonecall and his idea was to stop with some medicines by reducing them to zero. So now he is reducing his betablockers and we will see what happens. If there will no change we defintely will go to the hospital in Zwolle for a second opinion.
But sometimes it worries me a lot and it can bring me in a sad mood to see him walking so bad and to see him getting tired at the end of the day But we both decided not to go into a phase of sadness because it doesn't bring anything good and we try to keep looking at the positive things and things we can do instead of the things we can't do anymore... Guess it is a sort of lesson of life we are learning at the moment
And selfpity doesn't bring you anything good....as we both found out after reading "Tuesdays with Morrie" which touched us both deeply..

I would go for that second opinion, and write a long letter to the hospital.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOn Tuesday I am mailing you a nice box full of baggies :)
oh, dear, Jan, what a sad and indeed angry story about the hospitals. But: the book is very nice and your socks look great.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJan, ik wens jullie sterkte de komende tijd met de gezondheid. (Mijn persoonlijke advies: verlaat dat ziekenhuis in Deventer. De slechte ervaringen die wij daar hebben zal ik je besparen)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMooi verhaal over het boek. Geweldig!!
En de foto van het park bij het station had ik meteen herkend (echtgenoot ook trouwens) Kan me best voorstellen dat je daar even stilstaat en afstand neemt van de drukte.
I loved seeing your work in the book, the photographs were superb and that bright slash of colour with the knitting on stones beautiful.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenall best
corrine aka jafagirl