Party, Party..... and some more Exitement....

Years ago I was a member of "Tour de Cuisine". We were a group of 5 artists from Deventer and we all had a passion for cooking. So we decided to organize a dinnerparty (5 course meal) only for friends. It ended up that we had to cook for 100 people and had about 30 volunteers to help us during the evening. And we did present the courses in an artistic way. We had an Apron fashion show, there was Darwin's dinner in a cupboard, a garden centre were you could get salads and 3 trollies full of desserts and the start of the evening was a procession with students dressed in rags on the Requiem from Mozart... Was ofcourse great fun to do, a lot of work but something to rember. We were young, just left artschool and full of energy. We did 2 more in the following 2 years but after that the magic was gone and the challenge wasn't there anymore.. I made clothes for all 3, learned a lot and I am so happy I have done those things. But we always kept contact with eachother and A...