About a book full of flowers

This is not a blogpost about textiles, but about a beautiful flowerbook I bought last week in Rome.
On the last day we visited the bookstore La Feltrinelli.
Ofcourse most books there are in the Italian language.
But downstairs at the art section a book a book stared at me.
With an intriguing title:

Florilegio (Anthlogy)
i fiori, il tempo, la vita (flowers, time, life)
By Makoto Azuma (florist) and Shunsuke Shiinoki (photographer)

I opened it just one time and there it was: a page full of colour, almost toxic.

I was intrigued right away.
So I bought it to take home. 

The book contains 4 chapters:
The stage of birth
The stage of blossoming
The stage of Maturity
The stage of silence
It might also be seen as all stages we go through in our life as human being.

We are born, we grow up, we become older and at the end silence is waiting when all comes together.

No matter what page you open they are all beautiful and bursting of colours!

The last photo is an arrangement with flowers from different seasons.

Similar to flowerpaintings from the 17th Century when the same was done.
This can be seen in this picture by Rachel Ruysch (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam).
Tulips, roses, daffodills and more all in one vase together.

Being a flowerlover myself this book is a gem!

Makota Azuma has been asked by fashiondesigner Dries Van Noten (who also is a great flower lover) to make flowerarrangements frozen in ice for his Spring/Summer 2017 womens fashion show. The proces and result can be seen on this video.

Wikipedia:  Makoto Azuma
Another video:


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