Kimono's by the House of Matsuzakaya

Women dressed in kimono's in front of the shop by Matsuzakaya
Triptyk 1813-1814 by Elzan Kikuwara (1787-1867)

Last May we visited Paris for a few days. 
Paris for us means next to enjoying every moment that we stay there visiting exhibitions. This time we have visited some unexpected exciting musuems.
As was Musée Guimet: The National museum for Asiatic art.
One of the exhibitions shown there was: 'Kimono: Au bonheur des dames'. The exhibition is nog longer on view, but this article will show you what you have missed.

The exhibition showed about 100 kimono's and other artisanal products from the house 'Matsuzakaya'. This Japanese firm, founded in 1611 in Nagoya by Sukemichi "Ranmaru" Itö was originally a modest manufactory of silk kimono and Japanese laquerware. 
Interior of the shop by Maison Matsuzakaya round 1772

In 1736 the company expaneded its business to the retail sale of cotton and linen kimono's.
Logo Matsuzakaya
The logo from the firm hasn't changed over the years and was visible on a few iems.
Being one of the leading kimono factories in the world the huge collection from this firm is incredible.
For a textile lover as I am this exhibition really showed everything from the 'World of the Kimono'.

The oldest piece was a fragment of a 16th Century male under kimono with butterflies done in the Shibori technique.

Being unaware of the many facts of this Japanese firm one really stood out for me.Ffrom the start of the firm they made catalogues in which customers could find designs and choose the kimono they wanted.

The drawing made in 1724

The kimono made in silk

Details: woven, painted and embroided

This kimono is in a very delicate and an excellent state. Embroidery is from a very high quality and done with very fine silk thread. A kimono which could be worn today and everyone would say: where did you buy that? 

I focussed very much on details of the kimono's as embroidery and shibori. 
Here are some examples.

Next to the
 Matsuzakaya kimono's was a part of the exhibition about the kimono as inspiration for fashion designers from the beginning of the 20th Century till today.
Ofcourse beautiful but after the Matsuzakaya kimono´s this was very different.

On the front of the catalogue is a piece by Junko Koshino

Two pieces by Kenzo Takada  in which aspects of the kimono can be found.
Manteau ´Casanova' (1925) by the Callot Soeurs

There is much more to tell about the fascinating garment named 'Kimono'.
Last season the kimono was a fashion item in may collections at the highstreet. 
Worn by young girls who probably have no idea about the history of the garment they are wearing. Fashion: it is there and it is gone.
Luckily we can see the real ones, who tell a story from the past.
The beautiful catalogue (in French only) is still available and can be ordered here.

Perhaps in another blog I will write about the history afer a book I have in my collection.


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