Day 16. What's for Dinner?

I love Artichokes.
Before the 1st of January 2014 I had never eaten them.
Jos cooked the first one I had at his place.
Since that time I have eaten many of them.

It is always a joy to eat them.
Picking all the leaves and dipping them in a sauce.
And eating the soft heart.
Kind of luxury food.
But the cooking of it is very simple.

My dear colleague Riky has often asked me how to cook them.
So, esspecially for her, but also for all readers is the recipe with our favourite sauce.

Buy the best artichokes you can get.
There are many varieties.
Big one's, small one's, all over green, with pink ended leaves.
It doesn't matter which one you choose, but if they are very small buy 2 per person.
They shouldn't look dry, but fresh green.
I usually buy two at the market in Amsterdam when we are together.
Today I bought 2 at the HyperMarche in Le Bugue.

Cut of the stem as close as you can next to the leaves.

Place them in a big pan.
Put boiling water over them. They should be covered almost complete.
Cover them with a lit.

Bring them to the boil.
Cook them till you can take a big leave easy off.
It can take 45 minutes till 1 hour, depending on the size.

Yes, it is hot, but just try.

Eat it to see if the flesh part is soft. 
Tear it off with your teeth.

Make in the meantime the sauce.

You need:
Olive oil 
Garlic (as much as you like). I used 2 gloves.
Creme Fraiche.
Salt/ Pepper (not essecially needed)
Lemon (optional)

Put 3 tablespoons mayonaise in a bowl.
Add 4 tablespoons of Creme Fraiche to it.
Add 3 tablespoons of olive oil to it.
Cut your garlic finely and  add it to the bowl.
Mix everything together.
Add salt and pepper if you want.
Eventually a squeeze of lemon.
Sauce is done.

There are ofcourse more options for a sauce to it. A simple vinaigrette for example. 

When the artichokes are cooked till perfection.
Take them out and put them upside down in a colander.
(couldn't find one)

Than, place them on a plate.

Open up the leaves.

Put on the table.

How to eat.

Take off one of the outerleaves.

Dip them in the sauce.

Eat all off the leaves till the heart is visible.

 Than, take of the hay.

The heart of the artichoke appears.
Cut it into pieces and dip in the sauce.

Drink white wine with it.

Best outside on a warm summer evening in France.
And even better with my new love opposite me.


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