Insel Hombroich

The 6th of April 2013 was the day of Bram's funeral. A day I will never forget. Filled with memories and warmth from friends around me. It is a day to remember every year. For me it will be a day to celebrate life.
One year later I came up with the idea to go together to Insel Hombroich in Neuss (Germany). I had been there once together with Bram, but that was many years ago.
Started in 1987 by Art collector Karl-Heinrich Müller (1936-2007).
It is a beautiful combination from Art and Nature. Once you enter the grounds (it is really an island),you enter a world of beauty. You forget the daily worries and your soul is going to be touched deeply.

On the grounds are several buildings as a Tower, a Labyrinth, the Orangerie, the Graubner Pavillion and a few more.
Inbetween is a restaurant and a simple, but very tasty lunch is included in the entrance fee.

The tower is the first building you find. It has 4 doors on each side. There is nothing in it. But when the door closes the noise reminds of a cathedral. The meaning of the tower is to leave everything behind you, and get an open view towards what will come.

There is nature everywhere around you as those daffodils.

Next building is the Labyrinth. It is a big building with also 1 big door in the 4 huge walls. 

Inside various art can bee seen.

I particular liked the room in the middle.

It contains a combination from old art from the Far east mixed with beautiful modern paintings by Gotthard Graubner.

Jos took some beautiful photo's of me in front of the beautiful paintings. It might be strange to read, but for the first time I like myself on those photo's.

Also beautiful was this combination of old Chinese vases in beautiful colors. It is like a color-sceme and could be used for the start of a collection.

There are drawings by Brancusi and Matisse.

The Spanish artist Eduardo Chillida (1924-2002) has made this strong work out of a thick layer of felt. 

As said, next to all the art is the nature, and Spring really has arrived.

Not far from Insel Hombroich is the Langen Foundation museum built by Tadao Ando.

Inside was an exhibition by Otto Piene with colorful sculptures filled with air.

For me, being together with Jos, means that going to see exhibitions together sharpens your view on Art. And next to that, what else is more special than going to an exhibition with Jos while Bram too walks with me in my mind.


  1. ik heb genoten van de fotos.
    Wij zijn er ook geweest,in de herfst.Het heeft de hele dag gemiezerd en het heeft ons niet gedeerd.wij werden nog verrast door een Hang,,speler,die alleen muziek zat te maken en er ontstonden boventonen.
    ik wilde je dat laten weten,want ik werd helemaal blij door jouw fotos.
    Hartelijke groet,Anneke*

  2. mooie foto's met een mooi verhaal. Je had altijd je eigen ogen en die van Bram, Nu heb je frisse nieuwe ogen erbij. Jullie kijken nu samen weer vooruit!


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