Traveling from East to West and Back.

Q. Where are you?
A. I am here.

Q. Have you left your blog?
A. No, not that I know.

Q. Has love taken over everything?
A. Yes and Yes.

Q. Will you write again?
A. Yes, I try. Now.

At this moment -while writing this post- I am traveling from Amsterdam to Enschede. From west to east. The week holiday is over, and looking back I see beautiful memories we made together.

Life has changed so much for me, and also for him. 
We have entered the world named: Us.
Us means: being together and doing things we love together.
There are moments that I still think it is a kind of miracle what has happened to me. Totally unexpected there is this man I love. And so does he. 
And at the same time there is still the sadness of the loss of the love of my life almost 11 months ago.
It all goes hand in hand, and it will always be this way. 
It is all about love, which for me is the most important aspect of life.

It is such a difference going to see an exhibition by yourself or going there together. Jos has sharp eyes, and so have I and so had Bram. 

Art has always been a big part of my life after I discovered that world when I was young. I am not grown up with art. But somewhere in myself there must have been a feeling of curiosity, of wanting to know and see art.

Amsterdam ofcourse has lots to offer, and being there quite often I see a lot.
Yesterday we visited the new exhibition named: "Expedition Silk road" in De Hermitage. An unknown world for me, alltough the name "Silk road" has always been surrounded with exitement for me.
Beautiful displayed you travel this road. 

From west to east or from east to west. Unknown names and places. 
Not only silk, but also lots of other objects, as wall paintings, masks and ofcourse textiles. 

One of the highlights for me was a 1200 years old silk  kaftan worn by a chief of the Alani-Adhyghe tribe. Made from different kinds of silk (the inside was not visible, but contains a patchwork of different fabrics and dessins) and in a beautiful color and condition.

We have the catalogue, and we will be back to have an even closer look.
That is the joy of having a life in Amsterdam next to my life in Deventer.

Entering the railwaystation from Deventer now. Normally I catch here the train. Not now. Only 50 minutes to go from now on.


  1. Het is heerlijk om te lezen dat je iemand gevonden hebt die je met nieuwe ogen naar de wereld laat kijken. Fijn dat er weer liefde bloeit en groeit.
    Geniet er maar van!

  2. Oost-west-thuis-best
    home is where the heart is.

  3. I'm so happy to see you have met someone new to love and be loved in return.


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