Stitching brings Everything Together...

How does my Brain works?
And how does my Mind works?
What is Creative Thinking?

Last week had some special moments for me, and they all had to do with the questions above.

I went to 2 Trendseminars by Lidewij Edelkoort (that Worldfamous Trendwatcher). 
One -in Amsterdam- took a day and was about Fashion and Lifestyle themes for Spring/Summer 2015. 
The other one was a little seminar about trends in home-textiles and took place at the Textielmuseum in Tilburg.
Ofcourse both were inspiring and exiting...and it took me again back into the beautiful world of textiles. The world I love so much. And I hope to have time to write a blog-post about it.

But for me the best part was the thing that happened in my mind while listening to the sentence:
"Stitching brings everything Together"
Suddenly I knew what to do......

A few Months ago I did start embroidery work with sentences from my diary when he picked me up for dinner on the 28th of January 1983 at 17.30 hrs. My diary did start of course on the day after that date.
My idea was to use lines from that diary and to embroider them in a spiral on a piece of white linen.
I did start, but for some reason I didn't continue. It has been with me in my suitcase on holiday last Summer, but I didn't do anything. Packed in a plastic bag it stayed in my dining-room, but it didn't came out.
It looked like this...

And suddenly in a flash -while hearing that sentence- I knew what was wrong and I knew what to do. 
The white fabric was wrong. There was no connection with Bram in that fabric. He didn't like white and never wore a white shirt.

And the picture of the right fabric immediately popped into my head.

I have always kept the shirt he did wear when he picked me up that evening in January. 
A striped shirt from Valentino in a very soft cotton fabric. He did wear it under a beautiful black sweater with bright blue rough stitching round his shoulder. I don't have that one anymore. Moths did do their work unfortunatley...

So it had to be that shirt..and it will be that shirt..
On Friday, late in the afternoon (after a morning suffering migraine) I did start a bit.

On the front of the shirt I will embroider fragments of my diary. Probably in 2 colors blue and maybe one word in Red.

Next to this one I have the plan to use another of his shirts on which I will embroider lines from the words I spoke at the funeral. It will probably a faded red one or pink one he loved to wear.

It will be part of my project about coming in terms with the loss of my beautiful husband.
That stitching will bring everything together for Me and Him. 

So..last week did bring it all together for me, and I will be doing embroidery the coming weeks.


  1. Lieve Jan... soms kost het tijd om de tijd op de juiste manier te verwoorden. Mooi.

  2. Janneke van der Veer2 december 2013 om 07:27

    Wat mooi. Ik ben er stil van.

  3. What a wonderful idea, and a totally appropriate memorial. I look forward to seeing the finished work.


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