On Life...

I haven't written for some weeks...
Can't write at the moment...
Can't work anymore at this moment...

For the moment, this is my last post on Facebook..

I come back when time will tell..
Please don't worry about me,,
There is a close circle around us.

Love you all..


  1. Jan
    There is so much love for you and support,
    I feel so far away, but believe me My spirit is there and holding you if you need it, much love

  2. Huggs and kisses honey! Take your time.

  3. Take your time! You are needed elsewhere!
    Love, Ineke

  4. I have been a little concerned, and am glad you let us know. Look after yourself as well and take care.
    With all the very best wishes


  5. lieve jan, schrik, schrik... maar het is goed te weten dat er mensen om je heen zijn, ik sla mijn armen even om je heen...

  6. Heel veel sterkte Jan en Bram.Neem je tijd.


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